“Where in the world is peace?”

Okay, so I got this crazy idea.

(and I give an award of brilliance to my daughter for the headline!)

The message of peace can have many forms, and be shared in many ways ….. in fact, a friend of mine brought a “52 Weeks of Peace” journal to someone in Nepal, which gave me an idea: Let’s have a little fun with peace!

All you need is a “52 Weeks of Peace” totebag (if you don’t have one yet, you can get one here) and a camera.

Take a picture of your “52 Weeks of Peace” tote in various locations, send me your images with a note about location (ie;, Colorado, Paris, South Africa, Quebec, New York City). I”ll post them here, and on my “52 Weeks of Peace” facebook page. No names or addresses, just pictures will be publicly posted~ & as long as you’re okay with that, please send them in!

Let’s make peace fun, and let’s see “where in the world” peace goes…

If you look, you can find peace almost anywhere .. and it’s there to be discovered, nurtured, given room to breathe in your own soul.  Peace really does “start here”, with you, and with me.


"52 Weeks of Peace" Totebags Are Here!

In the name of brazen self-promotion, I’d like to start spreading the word that some terrific canvas tote bags are now available, adorned with designs from my “52 Weeks of Peace” series. One bag shows all 52 weeks, others are created with individual designs.

For the time-being these are available online only, through my shop at CafePress. But I have to tell you, I personally love their canvas bags. They’re sturdy and earthy and hold a lot of stuff.

They really make a great gift – practical AND fun (oh, and yes, with a message…!) . And by the way, requests are being taken. If you have a favorite “week” you’d like to see on a bag, let me know!