Poetry as Ruler of the World


“I say, ‘Get me some poets as managers.’ Poets are our original systems thinkers. They contemplate the world in which we live and feel obligated to interpret, and give expression to it in a way that makes the reader understand how that world runs. Poets, those unheralded systems thinkers, are our true digital thinkers. It is from their midst that I believe we will draw tomorrow’s new business leaders.” ~ Sidney Harman, CEO Multimillionaire of a stereo components company”
― Daniel H. Pink

I stumbled upon this quote this morning, and it reminded me that when I read Daniel Pink’s “A Whole New Mind” a few years back, I was (given what I do) thrilled at his theory that right-brainers will rule the future. There’s a place for the creative, the innovative, the out-of-the-box thinker ~ more than ever! And not just any place, but a valued place. And not just a “dusting off the weariness of life” kind of valuable (although that’s important!), but a place that moves, shakes and shapes our world.

Of course, we all have elements of both; right and left brains. And perhaps because of a genetic blend making me feel fairly balanced in that department, I dislike labeling ~ or assuming, for example, that if someone is logical they aren’t creative, or someone who’s creative can’t be logical, because that’s simply not true. We have tendencies towards one or the other, most definitely, whether innate or learned, but both aspects reside in most people’s brains to some degree, and I presume for good reason. (So when my very creative daughter complains about having to learn Math, I insist that she needs to exercise that part of her brain to stay healthy and wise and grounded, and not end up with both head and feet in the clouds. “Use it or lose it” has real meaning here.)

That said, and putting aside my own personal glee at the prospect of “right brains” leading the future, the theory does have merit, especially when you consider how many previously human-held jobs have been replaced by increasingly efficient, computerized functions – freeing up some of us to be more creative and others to flounder for their bearings.

And while I’m not completely convinced that poets should be managers, I am convinced that there’s enormous opportunity for unlocking the floodgates of our ingenuity when more menial tasks are automated. And I think most people perform better when they’re inspired, rather than watching a clock, regardless if they’re mathematically or artistically driven ~ both of which can be dry or highly creative functions, depending on any given person’s combination of atoms and molecules, environment, and spirit.

To do anything well, to grow, stretch boundaries, reach the moon  ~ to live better ~ we need to think big and welcome a fusion of the intuitive with the intellect. And really, it’s always been so, when great things have been achieved, but maybe we’ll honor it more. Maybe poetry will change the world!

So why not change even today ~ open your mind to the galaxy, and get to work.



So, I have a bunch of essays lined up, in various states of completion. The way a story comes to mind, then you get distracted by life or laundry or something, and you quickly jot down some notes so you don’t forget your brilliance – and then a few more days go by of other this’s and that’s demanding your attention, and in that span of time more ideas, more thoughts, more inspirations happen, (that you do or don’t jot down), and the cycle repeats until you realize you just want to be still for a little bit. Mindless.

Of course, this is where I might normally spew the wonders of meditation, but I’ll resist the temptation to be meaningful just this once. I don’t know why exactly – could be a loosening of the grips of an innate need to be mindful, purposeful, responsible.

Instead I’m going to share something interesting but frivolous, in that it really serves no purpose except to tickle the brain. And because it’s Wednesday and I’ve always wondered why it’s spelled so oddly. And because it’s the curse of a writer not to write, so I must write something.

And this is as far as I’m allowing my brain to go for now. (Good thing I jotted down my more impassioned thoughts, though, right? … so they can come marching forth again in all their splendor when I’m back in the mood for them … and less tired. Which, for better or worse, probably won’t be long, once I’ve meditated and such. But I’m veering towards meaningful again, so I’ll stop here and get on with simple, frivolously interesting.)


Why is Wednesday Spelled so Oddly?

Wednesday comes from the Middle English Wednes dei, which originates from Old English Wēdnes dæg, meaning the day of the Germanic god Woden. Associated with both fury and poetic inspiration, Woden thrived as an Anglo-Saxton god in England until about the 7th century. He also had a career in curing horses and carrying off the dead, and Wednesday is his day. Woden’s day has had various spellings – Wodnesdaeg, Weodnesdei, Wenysday, Wonysday, Weddinsday – but even Shakespeare’s quite sensible spelling of “Wensday” didn’t last. So in the end it turns out that (perhaps born from fear of his Woden’s wrath, or loss of poetry)  the “d” and the day remain. And now you know.


How To Avoid The World’s Troubles and Other Annoying Things


“Gordon” / @Patricia Saxton / Book of Dragons

You could, of course, live under a rock. That sounds uncomfortable though; so, no, that wouldn’t do. But with the world teetering on the brink of lord knows what evil, with clever actors paid to persuade us that we have all manner of ill-health and need to take X drug, with things like the disturbing reality that artist Damien Hirst is a really Big Deal and triple bacon cheeseburgers considered a healthy meal, with baseball heroes letting us down and the Kardashians worthy of conversation, avoidance becomes more and more attractive.

It helps to have a meaty project to get lost in. Say, an illustrated book about dragons :  ), or creating the world’s best bread. (I’m reading a book in which the main character is a baker, and it sounds rather yummy, all that dough and kneading and freshly baked bread smell.) You could, of course, read, and then just keep reading ~ since books have a marvelous way of taking you places, away from the here and now. You could take up sky-diving or some other sport where there’s no room for thought beyond your own life flashing before your eyes. You could tend puppies or fill your social calendar with bunco matches (I’ve never played bunco – not sure if this is good or bad to admit). You could build something with your own two hands. You could sail around the world.

If you’re serious about avoiding the world’s troubles and other annoying things, whatever you do, do not turn on the tv. Avoid over-indulgence in social media. Stay away from negative people. Then, focus on the good stuff, no matter how small. Practice gratitude. Be kind. Because life is precious and too short to be fretting over things we can’t control. And just maybe it’ll all go away. Maybe it’s all just a ruse. Maybe whatever happens will simply happen with or without inserting our personal energy. It’s very hard, life. Why make it harder.

It’s not that I don’t care. I do care, maybe too much. It’s not about sticking my head in the sand. Trust me, I get riled. But I’ve realized it’s not my calling to fix the world. A friend, sure. Even a whole bunch of them ~ but the entire world is just too much. If only the world at large would stop all the fussing and fighting. If only.

And so, hours spent creating a dragon that will be part of a book that one day soon may be enjoyed by a fresh-faced, bright-eyed little person – maybe a whole lot of bright-eyed little people – seems a good use of my time. Not only that, you can’t think about annoying things when you’re making art. Works for me.



More Flowers

I had some really meaningful, in-depth things to say, but then I got waylaid in the garden.

When life feels overburdened, when time feels cramped and out of balance, when my thoughts turn too far inward for too long, I really do find solace in nature. And tending my gardens allow me to “un-think”.

I like feeling the earth between my fingers, and I adore the beauty that grows from seeds, soil, sun, rain and a little help from my eyes, my hands and a shovel. I like creating beauty, being surrounded by beauty, appreciating beauty. As Emerson said, we should “never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful”.

And so, here’s a little bit of non-in-depth light and lovely from my garden.




















A Plethora of P’s / #24: Priorities

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

I’ve posted this before … wait, this is really crazy, I literally just noticed that I posted it on exactly the same day last time – June 6. WOW. Just wow. Whew! Okay, clearly I’m feeling the same as I did then, and the need to re-post this message. And maybe this time I’ll learn! I’ve also been hearing an awful lot of grumblings “out there” of a similar kind of discontent, a desire to pull in some reins. So maybe this will hit home with some of you. Here is P#24, once more:

So much to do. So many things to check off the list, people to see, plans to make, meetings to attend, bills to pay, rooms to clean, cars to fix; on and on and on it goes.

So, after we pause, and become present, and before we decide to persevere, it’s a great idea to welcome in the wonderfully practical notion of prioritizing. To take a moment of clarity and think: really, and truly, what’s worth our time. To consider what we “have to do” vs. what we “want to do” ~ and within those needs and wants, what will give us the most peace, the most value, the most satisfaction. Today, tomorrow, at the end of the road.

I’m talking both about the daily priorities ~ those that help us be productive and get us through the day without everything a.) colliding, or b.) wasting our time, or c.) back-firing ~ and “life” priorities. At the end of the day, what will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction?

Sometimes, for both the daily and the bigger-picture-of-life viewpoints, less really is more. Quality beats quantity. The world is moving so fast … so fast. It doesn’t have to make us crazy in the process. Much more than we may acknowledge simply depends on our priorities.

What are you going to choose to give your attention to?


How To Slow Down Time

I don’t really have the final answer to this idea of slowing down time, although finding one has been on my mind a lot lately as we all keep moving, moving, moving, keeping up a brisk pace only to pause for dinner or maybe even some sleep. It’s just not right to me, all this constant motion, this world that moves so very fast, this world of instant news (and too much news), a wild sea of images and thoughts and appointments and gadgets, gadgets, gadgets. This very real sense that there isn’t enough time in the day. So I thought, it being Monday, that maybe Pooh has the best idea yet….


It’s a nice idea, isn’t it? But napping intrudes on time; time that moves so quickly, so furiously full. One could argue that a nap leaves you refreshed, better able to accomplish all those things that need accomplishing ~ and I find no fault there. But what about slowing down time so you don’t “need” a nap ~ like Pooh, you could take one just because it feels like a good thing to do?

What about slowing time at will, right here and now, without having to go on holiday to find it, and without detriment to your clients, your families, your peace of mind?

There are only a few ways I know that effectively slow down time. One is a fabulous snowfall ~ but this requires a northern climate and Mother Nature’s whim. The ocean has a similar effect, as does being on a mountaintop.

Another, more “here and now” way, is meditation. And of course, for me, there’s drawing. Or painting or playing the piano… when you’re cocooned in the embrace of creativity, it’s very much like a meditation; time simply doesn’t exist in that space. So I’m not sure if it’s actually slowing down time, or merely alleviating the consciousness of the ongoing tick-tock. But I do know that it’s good for the soul, and that practically amounts to the same thing. I think Pooh might agree.

Oh and there is one other way I know about for slowing down time. What you do is believe you have all the time you need. Saying it out loud can help. With conviction and slow, deep breaths. It’s almost like conspiring with the universe. You may laugh, and that’s fine, because I have no scientific explanation ~ but it’s not all that silly if it works, and it has for me.

And now that I’ve reminded myself of this ability, I just need to harness and command it more often!  … After my nap.


Mother – Daughter Dragons

Halfway through this new dragon sketch for the book, I stumbled across a gem from my daughter’s grade school days. How fun is that?!

The two works have a similar feel, I think, don’t they?  In terms of emotion, obviously, not color or medium, they both seem to say “I’m a little bit scary, but not really scary…. or am I?”

And I absolutely adore the free-spirited, in-your-face, “I’m a two-headed dragon, alright” feeling of the youthful piece of art. Not that I’m biased or anything, but I find it inspiring. :  )


Embracing Nonsense

i like nonsense

Oh! The places you’ll go! … “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”
~ Dr. Seuss


It’s Dr. Seuss’ birthday. What an amazing man, he was! And in his honor, I’ve added a few new posters to my “nonsense” files. Hope you find them funthubbly (new word). :  )









March: Like a Lion


Don’t know how the March weather will play out this year ~ we’ll just have to wait and see ~ but the old phrase “in like a lion, out like a lamb” conjured up some fond lion-memories for me.

It was in Kenya, about this time of year back in 1990, that I captured a small lion family on my old Chinon 35mm. So I thought I’d share part of a sequence that delights me now almost as much as it did watching it unfold in front of me then.

They look so sweet, don’t they? We were reminded that despite appearances, they are killers ~ and we were only 20 feet away . It was an extraordinary treat being so close, but I was equally glad for my zoom lens (and that Mama Lion decided we weren’t a threat and could get back to her nap). What a beautiful wonder they are.






