"52 Weeks of Peace" Notebooks

More ways to inspire peace . . .  by popular request, “52 Weeks of Peace” journals are available for the writers, artists and doodlers in your life.

Journals are 5X8″ with 160 pages for composing, scribbling and sketching to your heart’s content. You even get a choice of papers (blank, lines, dot grid or task/organizing)………….. Grab a pen and let the muse flow!  (Or toss it in your “52 Weeks of Peace” Totebag if you’re on the go… good idea, right?)


A Plethora of P's / #3: "Perseverance"

Have a dream? A goal? A path to follow? Go for it!  … one foot in front of the other, one task at a time (or several; which we all do, although I sometimes think multi-tasking is highly overrated!) And if you falter, know it’s not failure but a sidestep, just a lesson.

Stay positive. Stand firm. Pursue. Persist. Persevere. Saddle up and keep on keepin’ on!


A Plethora of P's / #2: "Possibility"

Impossibility tries its darndest to lure us from our dreams. But it doesn’t have to succeed.

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. The Beatles were turned away. Thomas Edison was told he was “stupid”. The world is flat. Walk on the moon? Preposterous. “Impossible.”

Possibility though, now that’s good stuff. Possibility presents infinite potential.

Every atom, every seed, every leaf, every breath, every step, every day … is pregnant with possibility. Possibility is wonderfully persistent. It is ­endless; it is perpetual.

Today could be the day you see a shooting star. Today you might climb a mountain. Today you may choose a salad over an extra helping of fried chicken ~ or maybe, like me, you’d rather choose an extra scoop of ice cream. (um, that’s okay, right Mom?)

Today could be the day you make a positive difference in the life of a child. Today could be a day you unexpectedly make someone smile ~ or a day where someone unexpectedly makes you smile. Today you could learn something magnificent. You could feel alive with creative spirit.

Right now, you might make a decision to observe a difficult situation from a fresh perspective ~ and that decision might lead to a new idea that can lead to a new action that takes you on a new path of possibility….

Ponder the possibility in any given moment. What can you feel? What can you imagine? What positive thought can you grab onto? What will you choose?

Baby steps, giant steps, doesn’t matter. Dream it. Believe. Think the thought of “possible”.


New & Improved Mermaid Video Debut

Sorry to post this again, but it must be done!

I wasn’t satisfied with the sound quality on my Magnetic Mermaid Toy video. The music itself was excellent, the problem came with the translation inside the video editing software.

Thanks to the collaboration with musician and master whistler (& fellow perfectionist!) David Santucci, a new track was prepared that worked MUCH better in the editing process. Our ears are much more pleased ~ and we think yours will be too. Please enjoy!



Gifts of Peace, Magic & Creativity (under $20!)

Can it be last-minute holiday gift idea time already? Hmmm. I just might have some ideas. How about the gift of reading and imagination..? A Book of Fairies, and  The Book of Mermaids are great for school-age kids! The Magnetic Mermaid Dress-up is ideal for 3 and up. All are available at Amazon.

Then there’s a whole bunch of cool stuff over at my *boutique* at CafePress.  Totebags, mugs, coasters, mousepads, journals and magnets, grouped by my signature pieces of “peace”, “pencil points”, fairies” and “mermaids”. Lots to choose from. Fun, unique, and practical!

Happy holidays ~ and may peace, magic and creativity fill your hearts!


A Conspiracy of Mermaids, Art, Music and a Toy

If you recall the “sneak peeks” I posted a while back, your wait is over. Here’s a special something I’ve been conjuring up for the holidays!


For those interested, this video was created with hand-drawings, animated in PowerPoint. I wanted to push the boundaries of what most people think PowerPoint can and can’t do. In that sense alone, I feel a mission was accomplished. But I also wanted to have some fun with it…. which I did!

The vision for the video came to me after it was clear that no one wanted their children to be filmed in a piece that would be shown on YouTube. That was disappointing, since kids really engage with this game and it would have been great to capture their enthusiasm. But, as someone, somewhere, once said, “inside every cloud is a silver lining”. This one came in the form of a happy idea.

And so, this is what happened when an idea + illustrations + PowerPoint + some good music became a video!

Special thanks to composer/musician David Santucci for lending his remarkable talent to this piece. A gifted artist and overall nice guy whose work will soon be available in high-def quality on iTunes; it was a delightful collaboration.

Now I hope you’ll go on over to Amazon and buy the Magnetic Mermaid Dress-Up toy and make some kids very happy this holiday! :  )


Fun, REALLY Fun, Pumpkins

As if ghouls, goblins and wads of candy weren’t enough, Halloween just got a whole lot more fun.

This is the 15th year of an annual pumpkin carving contest held by Duarte Design, and boy are these carvings great!  What a treat. You can even vote for your favorite. (but hurry, voting ends the afternoon of 10/29.)

These are so much fun, I’m thinking I might start my own contest next year. So, you’ve been fairly warned, with plenty of time to think about what you’d like to do ~ and here’s some fantastic inspiration to whet your creative spirits!


"Where Is My Vote?" ~ A Powerful Design Exhibit at New York's School of Visual Arts

Inspired by an email from an Iranian photographer reaching out for worldwide artistic support to raise awareness for Iran’s Green Movement following the 2009 Iranian elections, the School of Visual Arts has put together an incredible collection of posters, designed by some of the greatest names in graphic design, including R. O. Blechman, Cathie Bleck, Seymour Chwast, Ivan Chermayeff, Milton Glaser, Robert Grossman, Anita Kunz, Yossi Lemel, Jennifer Morla, István Orosz, Woody Pirtle, Andrea Rauch, Ralph Steadman, Gary Taxali, James Victore and Massimo Vignelli, among others.

This display is “design as a social tool” on a grand scale and at its most impressive.

Below are just a few of the 150 potent pieces. You can see them all Social Designzine,  as well as watch the video below of author, design historian and SVA MFA Design Dept. Co-Chair Steven Heller discussing an interesting, in-depth look at the show’s meaning.

Copyright, Cathie Bleck

Copyright, James Victore

Copyright, Massimo Vignelli

Copyright, Milton Glaser

Copyright, Yossi Lemel

The exhibition runs through September 25 at The School of Visual Arts, Visual Arts Gallery, 601 West 26th Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY.  For more information, call 212-592-2145 or visit SVA’s exhibit  site.


"52 Weeks of Peace" Full Circle

It’s official now ~ we’ve come full circle from September 1 2009 to September 1 2010. And while all 52 Weeks have been posted, something didn’t quite work out with the math (which could explain why I’m in the arts and not a mathematician?). So here’s the bonus week as promised (and created with joy by my lovely daughter I have to say!). Besides, it’s only fitting to end, as begun, on my birthday.

And here are my wishes this year ~  That thought by thought, action by action, this nutty, misguided, confusing, troubled, hopeful, amazing, strange and beautiful world may become a better place for our dreams to thrive. That we all choose to participate in the unfolding of what brings us our own individual peace. That we take a bite of something good and make a delicious offering of that something to ourselves, our friends, families, neighbors, co-workers….  That we uplift and respect and care and appreciate. That we smile on one another more.  Imagine the peace that would bring! … and if it only brings peace to a few, know that within those few, the circle has already widened.

Sweet peace to all ~


Week 52: "52 Weeks of Peace"

As the “52 Weeks of Peace” series comes to its inevitable end, it’s my hope that the spirit of mindful peace will carry on long after the last posting. I hope you’ll find peace in unexpected places ~ and nurture its presence. I hope you’ll seek it, recognize it, allow it, and share it. There’s great power there… beginning with you, me, our families and friends. It doesn’t have to be a movement you join; more importantly, it’s a movement you feel within.

Here’s to planting, growing and tending gardens of peace ~ within ourselves as well as “out there”.

Thanks for sharing this journey together. Cheers all!

PS: Because the series started on September 1st, there will be a “bonus” posting next week.

PSS: Remember, all 52 Weeks are posted here!