“where in the world is peace?” … hiking canyons, hanging at the beach, back-seat driving!

52 Weeks of Peace recently hiked the Grand Canyon, relaxed by the sea, warmed by a Virginia fire, went to work, and showed up “after the party”.

Thank you so much for these wonderful shots! ~ and helping to share our mission to inspire individual peace in everyday ways.

Friends brought Peace along for their week-long hike in the Grand Canyon

Peace rides shot-gun. (or maybe as a back-seat driver?!)

Chillin' fireside in Virginia

The party's over, but peace carries on...!

Fun in the sun at Florida's Cocoa Beach

Where to next?

ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!


Education & Creativity According to the great Sir Ken Robinson

How did I miss this? It’s wonderful. If you haven’t already seen this terrific piece, I dare you not to enjoy it and take away some inspired thinking (as well as an appreciation for some pretty darn good whiteboard drawing!). If you have seen it, enjoy it again. : )


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #65

We should love Mother Earth every day, but since we’ve got “Earth Day” designated on the calendar, and it’ll be here tomorrow (April 22), I figured I’d offer a new bit of peace for the occasion, with this thought-wish:

May peace blossom in your world, with luxuriant petals that fall in soft, lovely patterns reminding us that both peace and the planet are endlessly beautiful. Tend them lovingly ~ for if not me and not you, then who will nurture all that is good and glorious in this world?


A Plethora of P’s / #54: Purity

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

A perfect rose. A flawless chord. Pure white snow. The softness of a baby’s skin. A child’s laugh. A cherry tomato plucked from the vine. Mountain air.

We all love purity. I think on some level we crave it. And it’s not just a nice concept for optimists, it’s something real and raw, basic and primitive. It’s untouched and genuine. It’s unsullied, honest-to-goodness simplicity.

Even in this increasingly technological world, this world of mayhem, madness and convoluted this and that, a world where a drink may say “organic” because one of ten ingredients may have actually been organic, a world that sometimes seems almost tragically impaired by impurities of all kinds ~ purity can still be found.

We find it in the new seed planted in the garden, in the bear hug from a loved one, in the sunrise. The just right cup of tea. The sparrow’s song. The rhythm of a drum. Wit. Wonder. Wisdom. In so many ways, it’s all around us.

Go get some ~ however small, however large ~ and give it your attention, and let purity wash over your spirit like cleansing waves.


“where in the world is peace?” … rocky mountains

With a Rocky Mountain backdrop, tall pines and splashes of giant red rock, 52 Weeks of Peace traveled west this week, under the big skies of Colorado’s Front Range. (And a little fun was had setting the stage at the famous Red Rocks Amphitheater!)

Mountaintop in the ranching community of Livermore, Colorado

the camera lens was blurred, but the sentiment is clear. 🙂

Red Rocks Amphitheater, near Morrison, Colorado

arranging the bags for a long-distance shot

two more get into the act of arranging

the stage is set!

"Peace on the Rocks"

Northern Colorado. (This bag weathered a bear attack in Pennsylvania before traveling back to Colorado. It's cleaned up, but you can still see a smudge from the bear's paw on the bag's lower right corner!)

Where to next?

ps:  All “where in the world is peace?” images are compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available hereSend your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!


A Plethora of P’s / #53: Path

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

Some of us, especially when we’re young adults, think we need to follow a set path. Line it up, stay on course. If you falter, get up, brush yourself off and carry on. And there is much truth in that ~  because if we try to follow too many paths at one time, we can become a.) overwhelmed and b.) lost. One path allows us to define a direction, set goals, see progress, maybe even see down the road a bit.

But life teaches us that a clear path isn’t necessarily what it seems. We learn that “things happen”, causing us to change course. There are detours, and there’s debris along the way. Not all the stones are smooth and flat, or angled just so. They might suddenly veer off, dip, crack or overlap. You might have to go through some muddy parts.

And besides all that, how do you know if you’re on the right path? And what happens when you stumble upon a different path? One that looks more inviting?  Ah… that can really mess you up, if you’re humming along, thinking you’ve got this all nailed down pat. Are we really on track, or just kidding ourselves?

Maybe though, we could see many of those dips and swerves as opportunities. Adventure. Choices. After all, who’s to say what path is right for any one individual? Who decides? Who really knows?

Except that when it’s right, it feels right. Right there in your gut. You feel stronger, with more clarity, more determination, more light. Your dreams kick in. Obstacles? Surpassable. Detours? Hey, maybe they’re enhancements.

So go ahead and follow your path, your calling, your dream, even if it you don’t know for sure that it’s “the one”. With a plan in your pocket and an open mind, follow what lights you up, because in taking action, taking steps, you might even stumble upon something better.


“where in the world is peace?” … community art park

These terrific pictures were shot in downtown Dayton, Ohio at Garden Station ~ an old rundown railroad turned dumping ground turned into a community garden/art park by a local artist collective. Positive hearts and minds in action ~ love it!

detail of "Peace Wall" ~ Garden Station, Dayton, Ohio

"Peace Trees" ~ Garden Station, Dayton, Ohio

full view of "Peace Wall", Garden Station, Dayton, Ohio

Where to next?

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


“The Happiness Advantage”


“Train your brain, and create ripples of positivity… ”

Unlike the stereotype of a brooding artist/musician/writer, whose greatest work comes on the back of depressing events, I’m with Shawn Anchor that happiness inspires productivity.

Anchor’s TED talk is entertaining, articulate and wise ~ and makes you feel good at the same time. A must listen!

“If we change our formula for happiness and success, what we can do, is we can change the way we can then affect reality….”