The Lost Pen

I’m working on a project that calls for a special kind of pen. A marker, to be exact. My favorite marker. I might even go so far as to say the perfect marker.

Then I remembered a sad truth: these most magical of markers have been discontinued. They don’t make them anymore. Which is just wrong. They were the best. They were beloved. They should bring them back.

You think it silly perhaps to mourn the loss of a pen? Maybe if you understood that they had just the right feel, just the right flexibility, just the right fluidity and just the right saturation. They didn’t dry out easily and lasted for ages.

Any professional knows that the right tools matter. For designers, no artist marker held a candle to these.

The good news is, I found 3 remaining markers tonight. In a special box, hidden inside a cupboard, hoarded like secret chocolates. The bad news is that the end is near. It’s the last dance. And I’m not happy about that.

Seriously, they really should bring them back.


MacNaughton Peace

Because sometimes you feel peace in your roots. Sometimes honor. Sometimes you just like ’em.


Week #58 / 52 Weeks of Peace (squared) / © Patricia Saxton

And on this day ~ just an ordinary day ~ I wish you peace, and offer a few favorite ancestral words to the wise:

“Love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self.”  /   “One good turn deserves another.”  /  “Fair words won’t make the pot boil.”  /  “Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion.”  /  “Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.”  /   “He was a bold man who first ate a Haggis.”



The palm-reader said I’ll live a very long, very healthy life.

This isn’t really news, as all the psychics I’ve known have said the same, but this one backed it up by mentioning that I inherited a “long-life gene”, which made it sound pretty official. And I have to say, whatever your feeling about these kinds of things, considering that my father is in a pretty remarkable 94th year, I think she could be on to something.

Of course, you never know. But the long-healthy-life concept is comforting, since I can’t imagine running out of things I want to do. I’ve got at least 6 more books in me, hundreds of art pieces, and who knows, maybe I’ll be discovered in my golden years and star in something fabulous on the silver screen. :  )

I like the idea that every day holds potential for something grand. Or even something that’s simply, thrillingly sweet. Or a kind and lovely gesture.

There’s just no end to what you can learn and discover. Not to mention there’s still much of the world I’ve yet to see. There are mountains to climb and streams to ford! (well, okay, apparently The Sound of Music hijacked my thought process for a second there…)

How can anyone, ever, really, I mean really, be bored?

Sure, now and then we can feel dull. We can get the blues. We can get discombobulated or all worked up in a twist from life’s challenges. Maybe feel discontent, or anxious or scared or like you want to put your fist through a wall.

But you tough it out. You laugh, you cry. You make it through. The sun rises.

With all life’s quirks and curves and turns, colors and personalities and wonders ~ just imagine all you can do and be and give and share. How cool is that?



Probably because I’m craving some time with brush in hand in front of a fresh canvas, I’ve pulled up an old drawing that reminds me of art for art’s sake. It also reminds me of the roots of what I do, and the kind of invisible forces that have driven me in the directions I’ve gone.

I say “invisible forces” because you can’t explain “why” you may have spent days drawing a larger than life Iris, or why it was an Iris you chose, not a face or an apple or a street scene. Of course there had to be a point of intellectual decision along the way, but you can’t necessarily say why in that moment it was a pencil you used, not a pen and not a brush.

Because time then becomes suspended  ~  the same as it does for a musician, a dancer, a poet; conscious thoughts dissolve, almost as if your being, through the act of creating, becomes a meditation.

© Patricia Saxton

And it is this piece pulled up today, I believe, because it also speaks to me now, years later, of gentle unfoldings, as opposed to dramatic, coarse unravelings. It speaks to me of a natural grace within life ~ one perhaps we all wish to nurture and maintain but feel we seldom do. It whispers of quiet gestures and grand plans, and of patience, and the knowing that all things blossom best with care and water and light.


Peace Prayer

Week #57 / 52 Weeks of Peace (squared) / © Patricia Saxton

Under one sky
Our blood runs red
Our eyes see, our feet walk
Our hearts beat.

We love, we laugh
We grieve.

We hope.

Red, white, black, yellow
We circle and dance,
Fight and rejoice,
Dream and breathe
And raise our voice

For peace.

~ P. Saxton


Cheers! ~ A New Year’s Guest “Plethora of P’s P” / Prosecco

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

Raise a glass to the New Year. Raise a glass to all the good yet to be realized. Raise a glass to hope and dreams, and the passion, stamina and grace to carry them through.

And with my warm thanks to Diane Ioas Householder for this wonderful image and her cheerful handwritten text, I also raise a glass to friendships near and far. Because friends, like kindness, can lift us up and smooth out life’s frictions. And like Prosecco, no special reason is needed – every day is a good day to appreciate their sparkle.      ~ Cheers!


A Plethora of P’s / #52: Peace

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

I’m not holding my breath for the whole world to catch on just yet, but hope springs eternal. So maybe we can help it along; give it some attitude…

Maybe we can hang out our shingles with peaceful intent, toss some into our breakfast, wrap it up in our clothing, walk it into our stride, put the idea in our hearts ~ and practice peace, a little bit, every day.


“where in the world is peace?”… decking the halls, where the heart is.

A trimming for the tree, a gift underneath, a treat for a particularly intellectual pet (!)…  In different places, in different ways, peace is finding its way home this holiday season.

Thanks so much for sharing these “52 Weeks of Peace” pictures from your homes ~ from the heart!  

Brightest wishes for peace to all.

(ps:  all “where in the world is peace?” images are being compiled on a special “where in the world is peace?” page. Totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to or join our FaceBook page and post them there. Let’s see where peace goes!)


Thank you

There are 68,250 fairy books listed on Amazon. Whew! But if you scroll down just a little bit on the first page of your book search for “fairies”, you’ll see that the #8 ranking on that list is my very own, A Book of Fairies. This makes me happy. And what makes my smile get really big, is when searching for “fairy books for children”, A Book of Fairies has the sweet spot of #1. Wow!!!

I’m not telling you this to toot my horn, I’m here to say thank you to everyone who’s helped push my books up the charts. (The Book of Mermaids also sits at #1 for “mermaids”! – okay, so that was a bit of a toot…)

It means that because of you, the books are being enjoyed. It means my labors are appreciated, and might this very moment be brightening someone’s day. What a great feeling. So, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I also want to thank you for reading, following, or just showing interest in my blog postings over the past couple of years.

It’s an incredible thing, this blogosphere. A fresh page available every day for expressing yourself, sharing what you know or what you wish you knew, bringing thoughts & ideas to a whole big world filled with kindred souls you’ve never met.

To put yourself “out there” takes a small but somewhat brazen step into “vulnerability”. So you brace yourself for a variety of disappointments, hope for the best and forge ahead.

And you guys have been the best.

Thank you for allowing me into your world a few times a week. Thanks for listening to my eternal optimism and supporting my work by buying my books, hiring me for design, and for your positive feedback towards this ongoing blog. Not to get all sappy here, but you make it all worthwhile.

I wish you all the brightest of blessings this holiday season. Cheers to you!