Tuesdays with Chris: “Drawing as Thinking”

Chris Staley (sketchs)

some of Chris’s rough sketches

Can it be Tuesday again already? That sure went fast! But it means another great video from Chris. This week he’s talking about something that plays a pretty major role in my own life, so I’ve decided not to make any elaborate commentary ~ of course, if what he says has anything to do with stream of consciousness, or infinite possibilities, he’s on to something…

(If you missed my introduction about Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013, you can read that here.)  Enjoy!


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #79

As W.T. Ellis said, “It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.” But some bells help too. :  ) Enjoy the season!



Creative Holiday Gifts!

The holidays are kicking into gear, and our shop is always open! Please feel free to share with friends interested in something special, good for mind and soul, priced under $25 and created from the heart. ♥


Tuesdays with Chris: “The Art of Teaching “

Chris Staley

Chris Staley

“Teaching is a work of art.”

In this week’s video, Chris describes three types of teachers, and how a sense of ownership and involvement comes alive in a classroom when the lines of engagement become fluid ~ and his students tell us what characteristic they find most important for a teacher to bring to a learning experience. And at the end of the day, it seems the whole teaching/learning process is most effective not by how much you know, but how much you care.

All of which reminds me of a favorite quote by François Rabelais: “A child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be lit.”… something that, I believe, goes for all of us, at any age.

(If you missed my introduction about Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013, you can read that here.)  Enjoy!


A Plethora of P’s / #65: Paris

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –


Oh la joie ~ Paris! So many things to love … the Champs-Élysées, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Musee d’Orsay, the Louvre, the Seine. Opera houses, fashion, culinary finesse. Art, and more art. And of course, chocolate croissants at a sidewalk cafe … beau, oui ?

(see our growing, ongoing Plethora of P’s here)


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #78


It’s December!

Bring on the bells, the fireplaces all aglow, reindeer on rooftops, the hubbub, long lines, flaring tempers, excited children, too many sweets, blinking lights, trees and wreaths, singing and angels… it’s all there, all of it, comes so fast, gone just as quickly ~ so be of good cheer. Find the bright in your heart, and be of good cheer. ♥ ~ Patricia