A Plethora of P's / #10: "Paint"

What would the world be without paint?! Whether you’re an artist or an appreciator, life without paint would be a lot less interesting. So … why not … paint something?!

Paint a wall. Paint a chair. Paint a picture. Paint a story. Paint a dream.

Not good with a brush? Here’s the really fun part ~ you don’t have to paint a thing. You can paint in your mind. Paint with your imagination. Slather on some color with sweeping mental brushstrokes. Dab the corners, glory in the details, add some highlights, make it as bold or as subtle as you want. Go ahead! Get messy. Paint from your heart and let those pigments passionately permeate your world. Paint your day a new color.

Problems might still be there when you’re done (unless you’ve managed to paint them away…!)… but you’ll probably come at them with a refreshed point of view. And if nothing else, you’ll have had a fun break.



Author Margaret Atwood's Keynote: "The Publisher's Pie"

Admittedly, I’ve only read one of MARGARET Atwood’s novels ~ but that one book (The Handmaid’s Tale) earned my lasting respect and admiration.

So when I learned that she’d given a keynote talk at New York City’s TOC conference (Tools of Change for Publishing), I was all ears.

Invigorated with her hand-drawings and delightful wit, it’s a rather insightful listen for all writers, authors and publishers (or those contemplating the same) during these curious, unsettled times in the world of books.

PS: And now I’ll be adding more of her books to my future reading list!


12 Handwriting Fonts

Along with grungy typefaces, “handwriting” fonts are popular these days. They can add just the right spot of personality ~ but they can just as quickly lose their “natural” appeal when over applied. Much like the “12 cool fonts” I posted a while back, handwriting fonts should be used with discretion.

By the way, free downloadable handwritten and grungy fonts are sprouting like weeds, and as we all know, some weeds are just plants nobody else wants. Doesn’t mean they’re bad  ~ in fact, some of them are terrific! Three places I’ve had some luck are dafont.comfontspace.com and urbanfonts.com. Thanks and “nice job!” to those type designers sharing their works.

A word of caution: “Free” doesn’t guarantee they’ll work, and can sometimes bring trouble, too. Not all fonts get along with both Mac and PC, so check compatibility before you download. And, as with any freeware, if your computer starts to squeal shortly after loading something new, it’s wise to get rid of that latest freebie sooner than later.


More Tail …

Color added to pencil drawing of dragon’s tail…

Dragon Tail / © Patricia Saxton


Dragon Tail Detail / © Patricia Saxton


A Plethora of P's / #9: "Punctuation"

Punctuation is a really good thing. Without the unsung little darlings of writing and grammar ~ those wonderful marks that emphasize, clarify and organize our words ~ thoughts would run on in an emotionless void, something like this:

Guess what Jimmy won an Olympic medal today were so excited we were all jumping up and down please have Aunt Jane call Jimmy he will like that today he is tired tomorrow will be better okay we hope youre well

Not to mention; using. them (incorrectly) leads? to not ~ ! making sense” :…

So, embrace those practical characters! Discover their charm. Use them with finesse and diligence. Because proper punctuation makes life a less chaotic, more positive, place.


Evolution of a Book Cover

It starts with a story. An idea, words on a page.

The words unfold, revealing characters, settings, moods. And then, a bit like being put to music, the words get put to pictures. Different styles are explored, and certain elements are established that will express the essence of an entire book. A few renditions later, author and artist in sync, a cover is made.

This is Sam Moffie’s fifth novel; publish date forthcoming. Book cover designs @Patricia Saxton.


A Plethora Of P's / #8: "Passion"

Passion is an uncontainable spark; it’s the fire in your chest, in your belly, or rising from the soles of your feet … that expands up, around and through, spilling out over the edges of reason. It’s unbridled enthusiasm. It’s love. It’s hate. It’s wonder. It’s joy. It’s feeling alive.

Passion is a gift from the Gods that makes your spirit laugh out loud. It writes symphonies, bakes cakes, throws plates. It discovers civilizations, turns ideas electric, moves us to tears, heals hearts, builds dreams.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! ~ let your passions shine.



JK Rowling: The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination

A dynamic, inspiring speech. Watch the whole thing; it’s truly worthwhile.

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/1711302″>J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/harvard”>Harvard Magazine</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>


Daniel Pink's Ideas on Motivation, (literally) Illustrated

A Whole New Mind author Dan Pink has another fascinating book out called Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. If it’s as compelling a read as A Whole New Mind, we’re in for a treat.

Based on Pink’s research on science and motivation, originally presented in a TED talk (always worth watching), the illustrated video below is a pretty inspiring treat itself.

I’ll reserve judgment on the content (it sounds good, and some of it makes huge sense…), except to say that it’s thought-provoking and fantastically presented.