Winter Solace


What beauty we’re privileged to know in this life. I, for one, find great solace knowing it’s there, in so many varied forms ~ and I also find that I’m able to take a fresh, renewing breath simply by seeing a scene like this.

I recall woods much like these, from my childhood, and I feel glad to have wandered its humbling, secret pathways, for its nurturing my imagination and deepening my appreciation for the world we all call home.

And while this is just a picture, I invite you to take a walk inside this enchanted forest, feel the crisp air on your face, hear the doves calling and deer scampering, watch snow tumbling from a bough. Nothing more, just be there for a little while and feel a bit of hushed, invigorating peace. Your regularly scheduled life will still be there, and you, perhaps, may feel refreshed.  ~ Patricia