No Exceptions

Funny how the right combination of words on the right day can cut through all sorts of rubbish. There have been many phrases that have spoken to me over my long years of admiring quotes, but right then and there, this one kind of shouted.


This isn’t to say I’m personally looking to start wearing big, red feathered hats. (I do love hats, but they tend to feel like a bit of a ball and chain, a cumbersome accessory that you have to hold if the wind blows.) But it does mean you get on with things. With gusto. No hiding behind ancient lessons of modesty (to the point of it being a flaw, not an asset), or memories of insecurity (too tall, too skinny, too short, too fat, not enough this or not enough that), or playing down your virtues to avoid someone else possibly feeling “less than” (after all, it’s very possible to be all you can be without being brazen or inconsiderate or creating psychological torment in others).

We all have merits and strengths just as we have faults and weaknesses. To hell with the latter. Why give them any more muscle. As I’ve heard somewhere along the way, we ought to afford ourselves the same benefit of good lighting that we often give to a painting on the wall. And do it now. Today. No exceptions.