Witt World Whirlwind

Yea, say that ten times fast! Or, rolling more easily off the tongue, you could say the whirlwind Witttenberg University book-signing weekend went very well. And Wittenberg is still a beautiful campus, with classic Ohio friendliness in tact.

My book-signing was set for 10AM on the Saturday of Homecoming Weekend, and I was so pleased that a good number of people got themselves up and out in time to be there. It was a terrific crowd, in fact! I loved seeing old, familiar faces and meeting new ones. I loved that they liked my books. :  )

I also loved meeting a particular young girl who adores mermaids and aspires to be an author/illustrator, and loved that she gave me a book she wrote (complete with drawings). That was an especially precious moment, in a weekend of special moments, memories revisited and memories made.