Light Over Dark

This morning as the events in Orlando lay fresh and heavy on my mind, I was keenly aware of the particular beauty of the dawning day; as if everything were the same as before darkness struck.

The birds trilled boldly and sweetly; a robin strolled where the sun, brilliant and soft, cast a lush, velvet tone across the grass; the air was clear, the breeze refreshing; squirrels scampered, flowers bloomed – a perfect day unfolding, as if mocking our collective sorrow.

Or, I thought, perhaps – perhaps –  it was reminding us to never lose hope, never give up; that light fuels life; that yes, even while terrible pain and suffering exist, unfathomable acts occur at the hand of a few, that light is more powerful than darkness. I have to believe this. I have to believe we can do better.

Birds sing
As souls weep;
The sun rises,
Defying the weight
Pressing hard
On our hearts,
Of death and loss
Of decency
Of goodness.

So we pray, we grieve,
We pledge to love more.
And we silently rage
While seeking
For light
For blame
For solutions
For justice
For peace.

Disillusioned and
For a humanity
Violently twisted,
Our compassion
Elevated and tested
Yet still resolved
To sing
To fight
To mend
To rise –
Darkness cannot win.

– Patricia Saxton