How To Slow Down Time
I don’t really have the final answer to this idea of slowing down time, although finding one has been on my mind a lot lately as we all keep moving, moving, moving, keeping up a brisk pace only to pause for dinner or maybe even some sleep. It’s just not right to me, all this constant motion, this world that moves so very fast, this world of instant news (and too much news), a wild sea of images and thoughts and appointments and gadgets, gadgets, gadgets. This very real sense that there isn’t enough time in the day. So I thought, it being Monday, that maybe Pooh has the best idea yet….
It’s a nice idea, isn’t it? But napping intrudes on time; time that moves so quickly, so furiously full. One could argue that a nap leaves you refreshed, better able to accomplish all those things that need accomplishing ~ and I find no fault there. But what about slowing down time so you don’t “need” a nap ~ like Pooh, you could take one just because it feels like a good thing to do?
What about slowing time at will, right here and now, without having to go on holiday to find it, and without detriment to your clients, your families, your peace of mind?
There are only a few ways I know that effectively slow down time. One is a fabulous snowfall ~ but this requires a northern climate and Mother Nature’s whim. The ocean has a similar effect, as does being on a mountaintop.
Another, more “here and now” way, is meditation. And of course, for me, there’s drawing. Or painting or playing the piano… when you’re cocooned in the embrace of creativity, it’s very much like a meditation; time simply doesn’t exist in that space. So I’m not sure if it’s actually slowing down time, or merely alleviating the consciousness of the ongoing tick-tock. But I do know that it’s good for the soul, and that practically amounts to the same thing. I think Pooh might agree.
Oh and there is one other way I know about for slowing down time. What you do is believe you have all the time you need. Saying it out loud can help. With conviction and slow, deep breaths. It’s almost like conspiring with the universe. You may laugh, and that’s fine, because I have no scientific explanation ~ but it’s not all that silly if it works, and it has for me.
And now that I’ve reminded myself of this ability, I just need to harness and command it more often! … After my nap.