Tuesdays with Chris: “Throwing a Snowman”

Chris Staley

“Everything an artist makes is a metaphor.” This is the overriding theme in this week’s video from Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate. With disarming style, Chris recreates a snowman, a flower, a bent can and sticks in snow, inspired by a classroom visit with young children. (If you missed my introduction about Chris, you can read that here.)  Enjoy!


Art and Life: Perspectives from Chris Staley, Penn State Laureate 2012-2013

For the next 7 Tuesdays (maybe more), I’ll be sharing some superb videos created by Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013.

In these intelligent, thoughtful sessions, Chris explores the relationships between art, life, humanity and, in the video below, technology. Maybe we’ll call them “Tuesdays with Chris.”

After earning his masters degree from Alfred University, Chris began an illustrious career of teaching, lecturing, showing in countless one-person and select group exhibits, and has been the recipient of numerous grants and honors. His resume speaks for itself, as does his extraordinary craftsmanship.

On a personal note, Chris also happens to be a fellow grad and old friend from my college days at Wittenberg University. It’s been inspiring to reacquaint with his work and see where his talent and gentle perseverance has taken him. His insights are wise and genuine ~ I think when you watch this collection of videos, you’ll get the sense that you’re talking with an old friend yourself.

Note: This is actually the 7th in the series, but (as I sometimes do) I’m going out of order because I think this is particularly relevant to our modern culture. Enjoy!