Getting Christmassy


The tree is full, shining and beautifully decorated (if I do say so myself) with ornaments from years past and present, each like a special friend you see only once a year. Cards have gone out. The stockings are hung. The little village with lights in the windows and carolers caroling on the miniature snowy lawn is on display. Gifts await wrapping. We’re feeling Christmassy. Busy, but Christmassy.

And what better time – the only time, really – to appreciate some Christmas art. So I share with you a few favorites. I hope they bring a smile, and maybe some extra sparkle to your holiday spirit. :  )


I Love Lucy


Charlie Brown


Charlie Brown and Snoopy

Norman Rockwells

Norman Rockwell 

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” / Dr. Suess


Frederick Childe Hassam


Frederick Childe Hassam



Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol", illustrated by Frederick Barnard

Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol”, illustrated by Frederick Barnard

“The Polar Express” / Chris Van Allsburg


“Twas the Night Before Christmas”, illustrations by Jessie Wilcox Smith


I Love Lucy


Joyful Creativity ♫

A brilliant (and very fun) performance!  It’s been making the rounds, but for those who haven’t seen it – watch and enjoy. If this doesn’t make you smile this holiday season, I don’t know what will!


10 Years of Tea

One of my favorite holiday traditions revolves around one of my favorite drinks~ tea.

Every year for the past 20 or so I’ve hosted a “holiday tea” ~ and somehow, no matter how busy we are, or how up-to-our-eyeballs in hustle-bustle, the time shared feels just right. The home seems to magically expand in a welcoming embrace, all tension is left at the door and a warm, light sense of companionship takes over. (I’m always a little bit amazed at how well it all falls into place. But some things aren’t worth questioning; just worth enjoying!)

Designing the invitation is part of the fun, so I thought I’d share some. I can’t find them all, but I’ve got ten, so here’s a collection of  “1o years of tea”…
