December 24, 2014
art, creativity, design, fine art, illustration, imagination, inspiration, life and the universe, peace, philosophy
Week 17 : 52 Weeks of Peace / "Peace on Earth"
During this season of hustling and bustling, of bright red bows and snowmen, when angels sing and church bells ring and children listen for reindeer on the roof, I also like to remember what it’s fundamentally about – which, to me, is love, and joy, and peace. And when you find a moment to be still (in my experience, the magic usually takes hold sometime in the evening of December 24), you may actually feel what this holiday yearns for, sings to and praises … Peace on earth; good will towards men.
And wouldn’t it be wonderful if peace could stretch itself across the land beneath our stormy, hopeful skies… and for all of us to feel that peace, in heart and mind and deed. Wouldn’t it be lovely.