More Flowers

I had some really meaningful, in-depth things to say, but then I got waylaid in the garden.

When life feels overburdened, when time feels cramped and out of balance, when my thoughts turn too far inward for too long, I really do find solace in nature. And tending my gardens allow me to “un-think”.

I like feeling the earth between my fingers, and I adore the beauty that grows from seeds, soil, sun, rain and a little help from my eyes, my hands and a shovel. I like creating beauty, being surrounded by beauty, appreciating beauty. As Emerson said, we should “never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful”.

And so, here’s a little bit of non-in-depth light and lovely from my garden.




















Tuesdays with Chris: “Beauty”

Chris Staley

Chris Staley

What is beauty? Where do you find it? How? In what? Why is something beautiful? What is beautiful to you? Chris, and several graduate students, share their thoughts on beauty – sometimes poignant, sometimes comical. A treat!

(If you missed my introduction about Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013, you can read that here.)  Enjoy!


Craft, Music, Mythology and Beauty

Inspired by myth, but entirely real, these handmade guitars may be the most exquisitely beautiful musical instruments I’ve ever seen.

Music and mythology have a long, rich history together. Sculptor William Jeffrey Jones has taken that tradition to a whole new level by creating a marriage of craftsmanship and design to mythology and music in the form of high-end professional grade guitars. I’m in awe.

Wouldn’t you just love to hear these played by a master…? They’re so special you can almost hear an Irish ballad playing itself ~ but in the hands of a musician like my brother, or Clapton or Santana or Kottke, oh, what musical beauty would roll.

You can explore Jones’ website to learn more about how he made these pieces of art, as well as the philosophy and heart behind them.


Art and Life: Perspectives from Chris Staley, Penn State Laureate 2012-2013

For the next 7 Tuesdays (maybe more), I’ll be sharing some superb videos created by Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013.

In these intelligent, thoughtful sessions, Chris explores the relationships between art, life, humanity and, in the video below, technology. Maybe we’ll call them “Tuesdays with Chris.”

After earning his masters degree from Alfred University, Chris began an illustrious career of teaching, lecturing, showing in countless one-person and select group exhibits, and has been the recipient of numerous grants and honors. His resume speaks for itself, as does his extraordinary craftsmanship.

On a personal note, Chris also happens to be a fellow grad and old friend from my college days at Wittenberg University. It’s been inspiring to reacquaint with his work and see where his talent and gentle perseverance has taken him. His insights are wise and genuine ~ I think when you watch this collection of videos, you’ll get the sense that you’re talking with an old friend yourself.

Note: This is actually the 7th in the series, but (as I sometimes do) I’m going out of order because I think this is particularly relevant to our modern culture. Enjoy!


Art & Music / International Day of Peace

Because it’s the official “International Day of Peace”, and I seem to have a thing for peace, I thought I’d share some peacefulness with you … in the form of one of my paintings, and in the form of music, by my brother. It won’t save the world from its madness, but fitting some gentleness into one’s day sure can’t hurt. So take a moment, some nice deep breaths, and enjoy.

(click arrow to hear music)


First established in 1981, September 21 is designated as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire. The UN invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.