“where in the world is peace?”… on the road

Last week it accompanied guitars, appreciated art, traveled to the airport, made friends with strangers and posed with a sports model (sort of). Thanks peace ambassadors! Where to next…?

on the road again ...

"Aesop's Fables" sculpture at MIT

9/11 art exhibit, jersey city

us airways baggage check

sharing a moment of peace with strangers (strangers no more!)

from the city of brotherly love

(All “where in the world is peace?” images are being compiled on a special “where in the world is peace?” page, here. Totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or join our FaceBook page and post them there. Let”s see where peace goes!)


9/11 Exhibit: An evening of community

Thanks to all the photographers at the opening reception of “Afterwards & Forwards: A Ten-year 9/11 Reflective Art Exhibit”, I’ve gathered a sampling to share. The event was indeed very special, with a lively, eclectic crowd ~ and a lot of heart.

Artists are a sensitive lot, who generally pour their more serious selves into their work…. so there’s a great sense of camaraderie when they find themselves in the same room; an invigorating coming together happens.

And over time, I’m getting to know some of them better. Charming Raul, effervescent Duda, gentle Midori. And of course, the incomparable Jose, interjecting his marvelous intellect right and left and showering magnanimous support upon others. And conversational, thoughtful Nick who has thoroughly convinced himself that my daughter is going to go to FIT. And the contagious energy of people-loving Robert…

They’re a vibrant, smart and fun mesh of talent and brains and backgrounds that’s absolutely refreshing. No pretense. Just an appreciation for art, and history, and humanity.

The NJCU 9/11 opening reception as a whole shared that essence of appreciation ~ as the artists, their work, the guests, the press, the professors, the town officials (heck, even the caterers) unconsciously formed an impromptu, cohesive community.

All were honoring a horrific event, yet paying tribute in the most uplifting, thoughtful manner. There was no somberness to the occasion; hope itself was present in the room.  And I’m truly proud to have shared those walls.

Although next time, it was decided … we would serve pumpkin pie.


Art & Music / International Day of Peace

Because it’s the official “International Day of Peace”, and I seem to have a thing for peace, I thought I’d share some peacefulness with you … in the form of one of my paintings, and in the form of music, by my brother. It won’t save the world from its madness, but fitting some gentleness into one’s day sure can’t hurt. So take a moment, some nice deep breaths, and enjoy.

(click arrow to hear music)


First established in 1981, September 21 is designated as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire. The UN invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace.


A Plethora of P’s / #38: Polite

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

Life is not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are few words that take the friction out of life so easily as a warmly spoken please or thank you. The simplest of gestures can create a ripple of kindness ~ a cheerful greeting, holding a door, paying attention, lending a hand ~ they’re contagious, one polite deed leading to another, like flowering vines spreading out, taking root, weaving a sweetness into life.

How easy to affect the quality of a day! Acts of politeness take the bitter out, and soothe this challenging, sometimes beastly, business of being human.


“where in the world is peace?”… north, south and west

This week one of our “52 Weeks of Peace” totes showed up in Boston, on 9/11. More from the southwest too, and one at a high point on the Appalachian Trail. (Even a North Carolina pup got into the spirit ~ sans official tote bag, mug or journal, but he’s worth making an exception to the rule!)

Where to next… ?

(By the way, all “where in the world is peace?” images are being compiled on a special “where in the world is peace?” page, here. Totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or join our FaceBook page and post them there. Let”s see where peace goes!)


International Chocolate Day

Some of you may not see this post until tomorrow, but today, a lovely, sunny September 13th, is International Chocolate Day ~ and I cannot let this important date pass without acknowledgement. I actually have a whole post (or two…) lined up about this Food of the Gods, which will have to wait. Right now, it’s deadline-ville over here, but you can rest assured that chocolate will be honored at some point in my day. I hope it will be celebrated in yours as well.


Frank, Marie, Jason & Nancy: A Postcard Story

Nancy was expected. Frank, Jason and Marie were not.

On the spur-of-the-moment, my friend Nancy and I planned a belated birthday dinner at a posh-ish restaurant that’s got a great bar with an upscale “Cheers” kind of feel. Now Nancy is one of the absolutely sweetest souls around ~ but of her own admission, perpetually late, and so it went that I arrived first.

I noticed one empty seat at the busy-Saturday-night-filled bar. I should grab it, I thought, but it was cold inside (I hate to be cold), so I went back out to wait in the late summer air. After a while I remembered I’d brought my book along “just in case”, so went back in hoping to find a spot with some light. And there, as if invisible to all but me, was the same vacant seat. “Kismet”, I thought!

Plunking myself down, I ordered a drink and stealthily opened my book. (I know, who goes to a bar to read a novel? But I was close to the end, and you know how that is … )

Almost immediately the folks on the bar stools to my right started making fun.  “You’re not really going to read a book, are you?” said the younger. “I didn’t know the library served alcohol!” said the elder.

And so opened the way to a night of raucous laughs and fun synchronicities.

Jason, the younger, and Frank, the elder, were father and son. Marie was Frank’s wife and Jason’s mom ~ and by the time Nancy arrived, we were fast friends. In no time flat, all 5 of us were bugs in a rug. I don’t remember sustained laughing-out-loud so hard in a long time (recall the “no lollygagging” post…). What great medicine that is!

When talk came around to “what do you do?”, I had a little something to show & tell, as it just so happened I had a copy of my new “52 Weeks of Peace” postcard book in my sack … which comes in handy if you’re someone prone to forget your business cards. (eh-hem) So they got the whole elevator schpeel, with visuals.

And all this happened to lead to talk of business collaborations as well as another cool kismet-like morsel ~ learning that Jason’s work was an uncannily similar, kind of modern-day version of what I was reading about in the historical novel that I’d so socially-incorrectly brought along. The odds of that were rare indeed!

The postcard book also just so happened to lead to The Postcard Story.

The story goes that Frank and Marie first met at a dance (I think) of some kind. Frank was smitten with Marie and asked if he could call on her again.

Marie, meanwhile, wasn’t the slightest bit interested in Frank. She dismissed him with “oh sure, send me a postcard sometime”. She figured that was the end of that, and she’d never have to see him again.

Apparently Frank didn’t get the message, because soon afterwards Frank sent Marie a postcard. And the rest, as they say, is history. Fifty-five years of marriage later, on a random night with strangers, here was another golden nugget of proof for the power of the written word. I just love that.

More stories followed. Good-natured, hysterical stories. Nancy and I were in stitches. I’m pretty sure the five us of were too loud, our laughter causing a scene and making us look like incredibly fun people.

So much for unobtrusively catching up on a little reading while waiting for a friend, eh?

And so much, yes, for the power of a postcard. (Thank you, Frank, Marie and Jason.)

And, call me crazy, but it was the kind of night where I had to wonder if the stage had not already been set, beginning with the empty seat at a busy bar. Hmmm…. Kismet?


A Plethora of P’s / #37: Pride

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

Sometimes pride gets a bad rap. But to me, pride is about dignity. It’s about self-respect ~ and choosing thoughts that are uplifting and life affirming, and actions that ignite feeling good about yourself.

It’s doing right without righteousness, your best without boasting, and feeling strong without pushing your weight around. It’s confidence without arrogance.

It’s personal; it’s humble; it doesn’t shout from rooftops or seek applause. Whether it’s pride in craftsmanship, pride in honoring your word, pride in athletic or intellectual achievement, pride in accomplishments of loved ones ~ it’s an inner code that elevates and strengthens. It’s integrity. Dignity of character.

Feel proud of something. Genuinely proud, and hold your head high.


Update: “Afterwards & Forwards: A Ten Year 9/11 Reflective Art Exhibit”

“NJCU’s exhibit is the most comprehensive 9/11 Art Show ever assembled, presenting key 9/11 artworks from all over the world…” Ragazine.CC 

In addition to my own personal exhibit announcement of this special event curated by Midori Yoshimoto, there’s been some great press coverage leading up to the opening reception being held this Monday, September 12, 4:30 – 7:30 PM, Visual Arts Gallery at New Jersey City University, 100 Culver Ave, Jersey City, NJ.

Below are links to some of the articles written, as well as this blog-sized peek at some of the work being shown. A full exhibit catalog can be viewed here.

Press links: Art in America (listing) /  Jersey Journal   /  Star Ledger (listing)  /  Jersey City Independent   /  The Alternative Press   /  Ragazine.CC 

Map & Directions  Phone: 201-200-2496



No Lollygagging (& what matters most)

Someone mentioned the end of summer, and I thought to myself, “oh shoot, I missed it!”

Summer mostly fleeted on the winds of vector shapes and web designs, book promotions and business meetings. Reading was done in snippets, online Scrabble my “fun break” (did I really just admit that?). Some spontaneous Ping Pong rallies may have saved my sanity.

Then the car brakes needed replacing, the microwave died, a window pane fell out, and there were still dishes in the sink. Just the stuff of modern life, with the sidebar of self-employment and a crappy economy.

Things happen, heat up, break down, come together. I don’t know why it all has to happen at once, but the bottom line is there’s been no lollygagging around here ~ and I often wish there were a little more of that …

But then I remember the folks whose homes were flooded beyond repair; the folks who watched Texas burn. I think of Haiti and Japan and New Orleans. I think of 9/11, and later that day we’d stood in my front yard with candles; all the neighbors joined us, some we didn’t know so well, but right then we were all one. What mattered was life. Freedom. Love. Each other.

So in between deadlines – which I need to get back to (no lollygagging now!) – I count my blessings, and send them to each of you.


A Plethora of P’s / #36: Productivity

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Today we celebrate Labor Day in the U.S.. A tribute to all those whose hard work has helped build the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country, it’s a day to “kick back” and relax, and appreciate the efforts and accomplishments of so many. A day to give ourselves the proverbial pat-on-the-back for productivity.

I’m a big believer in being productive. I guess it was instilled in my growing up years… but I don’t mean the kind that’s measured by the boss or a particular number of somethings you have to reach to fill someone else’s pre-determined goal. What I learned was that a job done well feels good, that doing your best matters, that there’s both personal and social value in making something better or brighter or more useful or more worthwhile.

Not every minute, not every single day, nor does productivity have to “change the world”. Being productive can be as simple as taking a walk instead of watching mindless blather on the tv, or as involved as developing cures for cancer. Maybe it’s laying bricks or writing stories or growing corn or teaching math. Maybe it’s lending a helping hand. Maybe it’s doing the laundry. Maybe it’s play.

There are no hard and fast rules; productivity is more about time used well and a penchant for positive purpose. Being productive is good stuff; it elevates the day.


Looking Up

Sometimes you need to see the broad view. Look up, look out, look at the world from different perspectives. Refresh your personal browser (how’s that for a turn of phrase!), and in so doing, rejuvenate and realign a bit. The effects may not be long-lasting, especially for the over-busy… but it’s every bit worthwhile. And you can always call it up in your mind’s eye later, to revive a sense of peace all over again.

So wherever you live, go find some sky once in a while. It’s good for the soul!

© Patricia Saxton

© Patricia Saxton


“52 Weeks of Peace” ~ The Book!

Two years ago to the day, I launched a creative series called “52 Weeks of Peace”, posting a new design on my blog each week for a year.

Today, I am so pleased to announce that thanks to my publisher Lightbox Books (a division of Shenanigan Books), the entire collection is now in gorgeous postcard book format, available for sending, framing, or just enjoying. You can order copies here, or by clicking anywhere on the announcement below.

A side note ~ you might find it interesting (I did!) that the book’s release coincides with the 50th anniversary year of the Peace Corps ~ and that a selection from the series is part of an upcoming 9/11 tenth anniversary exhibit. It’s really something how that all lined up ~ maybe the universe had a hand in it!

I thank you all for your support and encouragement, your appreciation of the art, and helping to spread the idea that “peace starts here”, with each individual, in every day ways.


“where in the world is peace?”…spreading westward

oodles of thanks to the everyday peace ambassadors in Arizona, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio… love the sharing of peace! Where to next, I wonder?!

(By the way, all “where in the world is peace?” images are being compiled on a special “where in the world is peace?” page, here. Totes, mugs and things are available here.)


A Plethora of P’s / #35: Patricia

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Just seeing if you’re paying attention. : ) …

Patricia [puh-trish-uh]: a female name of Latin origin, derived from the Latin word patrician, meaning regal or “noble”. It also indicates someone who likes to write, draw, paint, swim, and wear cowboy boots to business meetings.