Peace & Liberty ~ Happy 4th!

I couldn’t decide which one of these I liked better ~ but I have the liberty to pursue happiness, and it makes me happy not to have to choose.

Wishing everyone in the U.S. a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday, honoring our amazing nation, its great natural beauty and wealth of courageous and freedom-loving souls…. and some pretty awesome firework displays too. :  )





They happen when we’re looking the other way. They happen when we’re at the end of our proverbial rope. They happen when we’re sleeping. They happen when we’re on a roll. They happen when we’re at the gym or out to dinner or listening to conversation or reading a book or contemplating a blade of grass. There’s no single formula for achieving a breakthrough – whether it’s personal or professional, they almost seem to have a mind of their own. It’s as though everything in your energy field lines up and you’re open and – “wham!” – you’ve made a leap.

The one key requirement is that we have to participate in our own process.

I made such a leap many years ago ~ not the only one, but a memorable one. At the time, in my early twenties, I’d been drawing for, well, pretty much forever. For a while I drew anything that caught my eye ~ faces, hands, gardens, animals, old mills, tools, you name it ~ honing my skills, mastering my craft. Practice was my classroom, and it paid off. But I didn’t feel very “creative”.

Then one day I thought I’d do a self-portrait. All artists have one, right? So I got my art stuff ready, figuring I’d probably do a realistic pencil rendering, like I did with other portraits. But something entirely different came out.

I remember a sense of being in another zone ~ I’d suddenly switched tracks, landed in a different groove ~ and I went with it. And I loved what happened. It wasn’t another well-executed drawing, it was a true expression! I had no trouble understanding what it was about, and it gave me a real high ~ experiencing that leap and knowing I’d unlocked a door that for some reason I’d previously thought inaccessible. This was huge, and what had been “trapped”, all that color and passion, was oozing out, freed from its imagined confines.

As an aside, I also remember that my family never liked this piece. They see their daughter or little sister looking “odd” with paint dripping all over her face, instead of the sweet chocolate-loving swim-team captain they knew who drew pretty pictures of roses and barns. I can understand that too. But for me, it was an intensely marvelous breakthrough that really opened up my creative faucets and if I’d had any doubt about my path, it was diminished right then and there by a few marker lines and watercolor streams. My muses had decided it was time.

Like I said, this wasn’t the only breakthrough moment, but it makes my point well. We all have breakthroughs, in different forms and guises, and I hope when they happen for you, that you participate, listen and let them flow.


Self-portrait © Patricia Saxton. All rights reserved.


Hello Summertime


Hello Summer, welcome back around! Time for flip-flops and fireflies, barbecues and flying kites and lemonade stands and wading through woodland creeks. Time for the surf and sand and long afternoon shadows glimmering on the lawn. Time for dreaming on stars and watching blades of grass grow; for listening to crickets chatter and mourning doves coo; for lazing in a hammock (note to self: get a hammock) and eating fresh berries and seeing who can spit their watermelon seeds the farthest. Bees buzz, foxes prowl, flowers bloom, brooks babble, sprinklers water children. Days are longer, nights are sweeter. Ahhh … summer!


The Pencil

A modest and unassuming tool, the pencil has witnessed global events, mapped grand expeditions, documented scientific discoveries; it has chronicled famous lifetimes and private journeys; it is an artist’s companion, and is ever patient in the hands of a child learning to write or a poet listening for illumination.

The pencil quietly observes, renders, and calculates, and from the slightest stroke to the boldest pressure, its touch can bring the magnificent and fantastical to life, leaping from a blank white page in great passionate detail.

With pencil in hand, stories are written, stars dreamed upon, ideas and equations scribbled ~ and its only vulnerability ~ revealing the pencil’s tender heart, and reminding us that it comes from Mother Earth ~ are the charcoal smudges made by the smear of a hand, or how cleverly it can disappear with a simple eraser.

A more loyal, trusting tool I’ve never known. Even if you break it in two, it still works! And, ah, what imaginative beginnings can be stirred by the humble pencil… a marvelous instrument indeed. :  )


From Patricia Saxton’s “Pencil Point Series”, a long-runnng self-promotional campaign based on her logo and favorite tool, the #2 pencil.


Positive Dissension

That’s an important sounding title, eh. If I think of a better one I’ll change it, but right now I just want to get on with it… which is, that certain ideas take hold in the mind, get tossed around and shared and pretty soon become part of a mass consciousness. Hearing, speaking or seeing something with enough repetition often becomes “truth” to a great many people. Kind of like how advertising works (well, a LOT like how advertising works), and politics (but I won’t, WILL NOT, go there…) ~ both are selling concepts, often cloaked in a happy disguise, to as broad a base as possible, hoping for buy in.

It doesn’t mean that these concepts are necessarily dark and evil ~ it just means that the thought form that’s being repeatedly projected has the opportunity to “stick” in our minds and become a “belief”. Once that happens, it can be hard to shake without something dramatic flaring up in our face, affecting us in a personal way. (The same goes for things we learn at home and in school, whether positive or negative, and while usually even more influential, it’s on a smaller scale, not a “mass consciousness” level.) And you know all this, but I’m on a roll, so …

Some people are content to go with the consensus, to follow popular thought processes. Fortunately or unfortunately, I’m not one of them. It’s fortunate, because it gives me the sense that I have control of my thoughts. It’s unfortunate because it can lead to too much “thinking”, which, trust me, isn’t the easy way to skip down the road of life. I can probably blame my parents, for the genetics as well as the lessons, because while I don’t remember them specifically saying “always question authority”, we were taught to “think for ourselves”.  I’ve been a good girl in that regard.

Which leads to my positive dissent. Catch-phrases, meant to explain or alleviate our troubles or help us navigate to a more fulfilling life, can be powerful if they’ve withstood the test of time ~ but some, if not tested, can lead us astray. Like armchair psychology. It gets in the air, we start spouting off without having truly considered them.  Again it’s not necessarily bad, it’s just that it can lead us on a much twistier path. Of course, we all follow our own path, and I make no judgment. Just my viewpoint.

So, there are two of these phrases that recently prompted this whole rambling essay I’ve embarked on. 1.) “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist, and 2.) The idea that you have to be out of your comfort zone to experience magic.


First one. A friend posed this Coelho quote as a true-or-not-true question, and everyone was commenting with “oh yes, most definitely!” Then I chimed in as a dissenter. (And let me also add that Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is one of my favorite books of all time. But the notion that fear of failure is the sole reason for unrealized dreams just rubs me all the wrong ways). I don’t believe this is true!

There are many inhibiting factors, all kinds of blocks – intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical – real or nurtured – that can inhibit actualization of dreams, and fear of failure is a big one, but, in my opinion, certainly not the only. There are also lots of dreams that may even not be associated with fear or failure, just as there are those that actually have fear or failure at its core. Too many variables to chalk it up to this very common, and I think, easy, reasoning. I don’t buy it.


Second one. Yes, it’s great to venture out of one’s comfort zone. It leads to breakthroughs of all kinds, personal growth, opportunities you’d not have crossed, new doors opening, wonderful people and experiences you might not otherwise have known, and perhaps even magic and miracles. But do you have to go >>> over there to experience magic? I say no.

One of the most incredibly powerful actions we can take is to shift our thoughts. “Yea, yea, right”, some say – “that’s too simplified, it doesn’t take into account my circumstances and struggles and strifes; it’s not that easy. That’s a bunch of pie in the sky mumbo-jumbo, you don’t really understand how it is for me.”

Well, yes, it IS simplified ~ and that’s part of the beauty!

For the naysayers, I suggest trying it. Realllly try it. Miracles, magic, or wonderful changes (to keep it sounding real), can occur from where you sit. From a place where you DO feel comfortable, at ease and strong. You don’t have to go out on a limb and dangle with trepidation. You can do that too, and still get awesome results, but my point is that you don’t have to. You DO, however, have to change how and what you think. Thoughts, as I’m apt to say a lot, so forgive my chant, are very powerful. And just like collective, or “mass” consciousness, the more umph and energy and clarity and conviction ~ and the more repetition ~ behind a thought, the more power it holds. There is magic there.

And now I’ll get off my soapbox, but leave you with this, which I do believe to be true.


Choose your words carefully and think well!  ~  Patricia


Waking the Warrior Within


I think I’ve got my mojo back.

Of course, in all honesty, I hadn’t realized it’d been missing. But you can get into a certain life rhythm that over time, and without your awareness or your consent, flattens certain elements of yourself. Some of it seems to happen out of necessity ~ for example, I’d be dappled in oil paint in a room full of canvasses if I weren’t so concerned about keeping a roof overhead; I’d be writing more poetry and making more music and probably doing a lot more for others. And I’m all too aware how much I miss those things – they’re very much part of my fabric, my DNA I guess, and my spirit thirsts for them. And they’ve had to be patient in recent years; they’ve had to “flatten” while my focus needs to be elsewhere.

But that’s not mojo. That’s about time constraints and practicality. Mojo (good mojo) usually describes a someone being “in their groove”, everything going their way.  And that’s true. But to me it’s also an energy that fuels your core, that pushes you to stand up straighter and speak with more conviction and act with more confidence and be more decisive and set more boundaries and to say, “this is my space, my energy, and I will use it well and protect it and respect it and nobody’s gonna mess with it.”  It’s an essence, that feeds all your other actions and behaviors. It means you feel in sync with the strength of your spirit.

So how did I get mine back? I’d been sensing a shift in my world. Perhaps even looking for something to kick that shift into gear. Well, I may have found it, literally, by kicking.

Last week I took my first ever kick-boxing class. Aside from the awesome workout (which I, and my very different set of swimmer muscles survived, thank you very much), as a testament to the many benefits of hard-core exercise, I felt something more than muscles awakening. I felt my inner warrior rising up from what I can only describe as a foggy nap.

This warrior has been there all along, sometimes full-on, sometimes at rest, but I recognized her almost instantly. “Hello! There you are ~ welcome back!”

I’ve always liked this warrior side. She’s staunch in her beliefs about right and wrong, positives and negatives, and fiercely adamant about being true to your best self and letting your light shine. She seems even taller than usual and doesn’t tolerate bullshit. (pardon my French). She’s got your back.

And the lesson for me was simple ~ Sometimes you have to change stride and shake things up to feel your mojo kick in and your inner spiritual warrior step out.

Kick-boxing class, I’ll be back…!


A Plethora of P’s / #24: Priorities

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

I’ve posted this before … wait, this is really crazy, I literally just noticed that I posted it on exactly the same day last time – June 6. WOW. Just wow. Whew! Okay, clearly I’m feeling the same as I did then, and the need to re-post this message. And maybe this time I’ll learn! I’ve also been hearing an awful lot of grumblings “out there” of a similar kind of discontent, a desire to pull in some reins. So maybe this will hit home with some of you. Here is P#24, once more:

So much to do. So many things to check off the list, people to see, plans to make, meetings to attend, bills to pay, rooms to clean, cars to fix; on and on and on it goes.

So, after we pause, and become present, and before we decide to persevere, it’s a great idea to welcome in the wonderfully practical notion of prioritizing. To take a moment of clarity and think: really, and truly, what’s worth our time. To consider what we “have to do” vs. what we “want to do” ~ and within those needs and wants, what will give us the most peace, the most value, the most satisfaction. Today, tomorrow, at the end of the road.

I’m talking both about the daily priorities ~ those that help us be productive and get us through the day without everything a.) colliding, or b.) wasting our time, or c.) back-firing ~ and “life” priorities. At the end of the day, what will give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction?

Sometimes, for both the daily and the bigger-picture-of-life viewpoints, less really is more. Quality beats quantity. The world is moving so fast … so fast. It doesn’t have to make us crazy in the process. Much more than we may acknowledge simply depends on our priorities.

What are you going to choose to give your attention to?


Saved by the Bulb

I had no intention of going downstairs that night. Having felt relief that the furnace had been fixed and the weather turned pleasant, I was enjoying some well-deserved time outdoors.

But the universe moves in mysterious ways.


If I hadn’t noticed that the light was out in the hallway; if I hadn’t been compelled to go downstairs to get a replacement bulb; if I’d waited even half an hour longer; God forbid, if I’d waited til the next morning…. the damage from a runaway hose on the water heater would have been much more than a huge ordeal, it could have been an even bigger disaster, ruining paintings, electrical equipment, and I hate to think what else.

That’s not to say that the removal of carpeting and walls and about 5 hours of steadily running water hasn’t been a problem. But somewhere in this, perhaps some blessings too.

Maybe it was just “life”, just another trial and tribulation, cause for cursing and a whole lot of aggravation and time spent on something I didn’t have time for – or maybe it was something that averted a potentially worse event (I’ll never know, and that’s okay!) – but for whatever reason, the water flowed like a river where a river doesn’t belong, and made me take note.

Water symbolizes fluidity. When restricted, it doesn’t flow ~ and then when released, like a broken dam it bursts and gushes and overflows, spoiling everything in its path. There’s a lesson there, and it wasn’t lost on me.

And hey, over the past week I’ve learned that PSE&G backed up their words with action – they were there for me. I learned something about pressure valves, met some of the local firemen, and through them, a great team of restoration and damage repair guys. The carpet I’ve been wanting to change just found an instant answer and all this took my mind off the cicada onslaught.

Of course, between the cicada’s incessant whir outside and the drying fans inside, it’s a surround-sound experience I could do without. And the flooded area is a long way from being put back together. But it’s sorting itself out ~ and because it could have been worse, I probably have to say I’ve never been so happy to feel the urge to change a lightbulb. Who knew it could prevent calamity?


When Flowers Bloom

I love spring! It may sound corny, but I’m over-the-moon when everything turns green, when everything’s new and fresh and full of wonder. I love going barefoot. I love hearing the birds singing their little hearts out, the squirrels skittering, the crickets cricket-ing. I love getting a little dirt under my nails. And when flowers bloom ~ flowers are, after all, the superstars of springtime ~ my cares feel lighter, my heart and all the world a little brighter.

hanging2 moonlight.broom peony.2bulbsB peony.buds rhodie2 rhodie3 rhodie4 rhodie5 rhodie6Bsaxton



No Exceptions

Funny how the right combination of words on the right day can cut through all sorts of rubbish. There have been many phrases that have spoken to me over my long years of admiring quotes, but right then and there, this one kind of shouted.


This isn’t to say I’m personally looking to start wearing big, red feathered hats. (I do love hats, but they tend to feel like a bit of a ball and chain, a cumbersome accessory that you have to hold if the wind blows.) But it does mean you get on with things. With gusto. No hiding behind ancient lessons of modesty (to the point of it being a flaw, not an asset), or memories of insecurity (too tall, too skinny, too short, too fat, not enough this or not enough that), or playing down your virtues to avoid someone else possibly feeling “less than” (after all, it’s very possible to be all you can be without being brazen or inconsiderate or creating psychological torment in others).

We all have merits and strengths just as we have faults and weaknesses. To hell with the latter. Why give them any more muscle. As I’ve heard somewhere along the way, we ought to afford ourselves the same benefit of good lighting that we often give to a painting on the wall. And do it now. Today. No exceptions.


Amelia’s Wisdom


On May 20, 1932, Amelia Earhart took off from Newfoundland and nearly 15 hours later landed in Ireland, becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

I applaud her courage, her sass, her confidence, her skill, and her devotion to a dream!

And that’s all I was going to say. Except then this thought came along for the ride…. that sometimes I feel like we’re all flying, flying through time and space, yet we’re moving from one thing to the next with an odd sense of urgency, like an almost directionless wave. Are we piloting, or going wherever the wind propels us ~ and in the end, does it even matter?

Amelia had a goal, for which she was very clear and very determined. Her eye was on the prize; nothing deterred her vision. Distractions were temporary ~ in contrast to today’s practically full-time, ongoing societal movement of distraction and sense of go-go-go to the next thing, the next chore, the next gadget, the next appointment, the next video, the next news cycle, the next facebook post that will fill in the void created in the five minutes between.

When do we sleep? When do we sit still and just be? Talk with a friend?  It’s almost as though those things have become diversions. I find that sad. I also find it true. And I also feel grateful that I have at least a couple of personal outlets that take me away from the frantic “gotta do this” mentality – a mentality which is very real, but also a manufactured product resulting from the marvel of technology allowing us to access everything NOW. We’re like little children who want to stay up so we don’t miss anything. We’re like subscribers to a virtual Life Magazine, interested mainly in the quick pictures.

And so we tell ourselves, oh, who cares about the cobwebs creeping down the walls, there’s no time for that. We get pulled in, sucked in (whooshing sound – can’t you hear it?), carried into the current. And time goes by without our noticing. It literally seems to fly – but not the same kind of dedicated flight Amelia ventured upon; not at all. And is that good or is it bad? Is it just different?

Is it harder to have focused goals like Amelia Earhart had, when we are driven to distraction in modern daily life? (Not counting those wealthy enough to hire others to handle the mundane.) Goals were simpler, “cleaner” way back when. Farmers sowed seeds in one season, harvested in another. Granted, that was hard work, certainly no walk in the park, but now it’s as if hoeing and tilling and sowing and harvesting and reaping are simultaneous actions, and then everyone needs to broadcast and re-broadcast their progress so the world will know that their tomatoes are the best tomatoes ~ because by tonight, something else will have our attention.

Time will tell… but I know that I need to do something organic everyday to counterbalance all the time spent electronically, that computerized place that’s “open all night”, around the clock, every day of the year, for business or play. There is a great usefulness there, and I value that, but I think it’s all too easy to lose sight of one’s own “prize” in the process. So I need to walk away now and then, whether it’s to pull a few weeds from the garden, play a few notes on the piano, draw, swim, stop and pet my cats. Spend some time with myself, the core me, not the “what am I going to share next with the world” me. Meditate. Stay away from my to-do lists.

It’s just hard to find the time… but I’m going to go do that very thing right now. An hour should do it. Maybe I’ll start by contemplating Amelia’s wisdom. Or maybe I’ll just thank Amelia for reminding us that we can do anything we set out to do, and then go feed the birds and not think at all.

ps: Sorry for getting all off base here from the original intent of a quick, light post, but sometimes it spills out and I’m not going to change it because I’m now on a bird-watching mission.


The Road To Imagination

“Everything you can imagine is real.”
― Pablo Picasso


From Patricia Saxton’s “Pencil Point Series”, a long-runnng self-promotional campaign based on her logo and favorite tool, the #2 pencil.

It starts out when you’re small ~ imaginary friends to share your secrets with and mythical beasts under your bed, dolphins swimming on clouds, dancing spaghetti and talking fish…. and if you’re lucky you loop back around after you’ve grown up, after at least a few journeys into more serious, practical waters.

There are some who never wander far from that magical place of the imagination, but most of us stray. We twist and scuttle around winding roads of this and that important thing. The key is to not stray so far and so long that we forget. Because our imaginations are like beautiful shiny rocket ships, launching a thousand ideas and dreams. Imaginations make art and music and electricity and cures for diseases and stories that make us feel and think and grow. Imagination is liberating. It’s a life force beyond our comprehension – we have to use it to know it, and even then, just around the bend there’s always more marvelous wonder not yet discovered, not yet realized, not yet “thunk up”. Always.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
― Albert Einstein


Mother’s Day


Carolyn Naught Saxton, circa 1940’s

On this day reserved for mothers, I’m planning to sit back and bathe in any loveliness that might possibly come my way. But first, I’d like to share something of my own Mom.

My mother was “my world” when I was little, and a role model as I grew. She did all the things you’d expect a Mom might do, like fix meals, teach manners, dry tears, cheer you up and on. She was there for her family, she was involved in her community. She loved to laugh. She loved to give. She loved life and tried to worry only on Tuesdays.

She was my biggest fan; my most trusted friend. We all adored her to pieces. And though she left the world much, much too soon – nearly 30 years ago, before her 60th birthday – she left gifts behind. Treasured, timeless words; gifts from the heart, mind and spirit.

Her poetry first appeared in anthologies as early as her teens. Later, perhaps her greatest work, was the collection of sonnets published in her book titled The Pine and The Power.

It was hard to choose just one poem ~ but I share this piece below in honor and life-giving celebration of mothers near and far, here or remembered.

Happy Mother’s Day  ~


God help our children to transcend the dark

And walk the earth with dignity and cheer;

God help them seek the mountains, persevere

The road that twists through thorn and tanglebark,

Ascending finally where eagles mark

Their point of vision. Help our children find

Two masters ~ one the spirit, one the mind ~

And rediscover constancy of heart.

Help us to find cathedrals in the skies,

A will to walk the long uncharted mile;

(The will to find in winter’s legacy

The ochre sands from which the lime trees rise!)

Help us to know the measure of the child ~

To live in time and in eternity.

© Carolyn Naught Saxton



Things We Hold On To


I have this bag. Old as the hills, ripped and torn. Well-worn and well-loved, liked an old toy. Every other day or so I stuff my swim stuff inside and head off for my laps, and don’t give it a second thought other than “wow, I’ve had this bag for ever.”  Jansport would be proud of the longevity of their product, if not disappointed that I haven’t purchased a replacement yet.

So why do I hold on to it? Is it sentimental value? Prudence? Is it the Scot in me , the “waste not, want not” philosophy I was raised with? Is it just not that important to me to have a shiny new bag for my workout stuff?

It’s all those things, really. When the final seam rips clean I’ll let it go, but for now it serves a purpose and I like it. I like that it’s red and I like its traveled past. But it got me thinking, why do any of us hold on to any variety of things?

My Dad stored things like old scraps of wood and old nails. I remember a whole wall of them in his workshop, separated by straight ones and bent ones and rusty ones and shiny ones. We always figured this was a reaction to having been raised during the Great Depression. He held on to old nails the way some people hold on to old clothes or fancy dreams. The way some hold on to hurtful relationships, or to beliefs they never questioned. Some cling to illness, some to grief, some to judgment. Some to hope.

Something else got me thinking about this, too. I’ve been getting to know a marvelous group of people who recently shared personal stories – their life stories. Every one has a story, right? But not all stories are created equal, and I can’t tell you how deeply moved I felt reading their unrehearsed words, the baring of their souls with eloquent, often heart-wrenching honesty, intertwined with humor and wisdom gleaned from some pretty intense experiences all their own, yet experiences that could also be seen as windows to parts of the universal human condition.

And what does that have to do with holding on to things? A lot. Because we all keep a hold on certain things ~ and then, in order to be healthy, move on or make room ~ we let them go. These friends gripped (and grappled with) things as long as it took to learn the next step, to make it out, to be okay, to find grace, to feel safe, to understand forgiveness, to be grateful. They either learned, or are in the process of learning, how to let go of that which doesn’t serve their highest good. And they’ve discovered, or are in the process of forging, new pathways that DO serve. They are remarkable, beautiful souls.

We’re the only ones to make that call for ourselves. Someone may nudge, “Hey Mom, you know your bag is basically a tattered rag? You could replace it you know. Just a suggestion…” But when it comes to bigger things, like Big Emotional Trappings, a nudge is pretty weak. It might even backfire. Later, when someone comes to their own peace with something, has had their own awakenings, made their own decisions, fluttered their own wings, they may look back and wonder why they held on to something for so long, or why didn’t they listen to anyone (including their own inner voice),  ~ but that’s when they take their life back. That’s when the magic kicks in. It’s a freedom song. And really, we all want to feel we have a little say along our journey.

No one can move the hands of the clock for someone else. We all wear different shoes, walk to our own rhythm, see with our own eyes, feel with our own hearts and find ways to nurture our own souls. We grasp on and linger with things – and people and conditions and situations – until we recognize their worth has gone, until we’re able to walk away, knowing they no longer define us and knowing, then, that releasing stuff is the right thing to do.