

We sure live in wild times, huh. Some good, some ugly, some filled with hope and promise and possibility.

And while I may not know how to speed up the good stuff or how to solve the world’s ills, I do know a little something about creativity. Much of that is from decades of experience (oh but how quickly they go by!) as a creative professional. Like a muscle that grows stronger with use, creativity only expands.

An artist is never done. Ideas are never gone. The drive, and the thrill, for creating something from nothing never stops. There are different stages, of course – some “less exciting” but satisfying nonetheless, where practice happens and skills are honed; some “more exciting”, like when breakthroughs break through, when plateaus are crossed and newly inspired worlds open up that leave you wonder-filled and giddy.

Another part of what I know is that we humans are incredibly creative beings, each and every one of us, whose creativity can be expressed in a multitude of ways from language to science to the broad spectrum of the arts, and on and on and on.

Whatever it is, these seeds of imagination, these inspired thoughts and actions that lead to creations of all kinds ­– I find all of it irresistible! Give me a pencil point and I’ll create a thousand visual versions. Give me a blank canvas and there’ll be twenty more waiting their turn.

But there’s something else I truly love about creativity… which is seeing what others create. How amazing we can be! And I have a special soft spot for those who don’t think they’re “creative”; especially seeing them accomplish something that an hour before wasn’t an inkling in their thinking.

And beyond that – the very act of making something with your hands is good for your soul. In fact, there’s actual scientific reasoning behind it, which escapes me at the moment so I’ll leave that for another day – but I do know it to be true.







I welcome you to join my 4–part “Unleashing Your Creativity” class, meeting each Friday afternoon in February at the Sedona Arts Center. Painting with acrylic, oil, or watercolor, you’ll be encouraged, nurtured, and guided every step of the way. 

Beginner? – that’s great! Experienced? – that’s great, too! 

Whatever your artistic level, this class is an invitation to expand your imagination, experiment, ask questions, find answers, and make art in a supportive environment. It’s about permission to play and freedom to explore. It’s about tools to learn and rules to break!

There will be prompts and direction (and maybe even some homework!). There will be color and collaboration and camaraderie and lots of creating. Getting messy is optional, but welcome. Every Friday afternoon, leave your cares at the door and prepare for fresh possibility. REGISTER HERE!


PS: Let me know if you’d like this kind of class offered again as a consecutive-day workshop (as opposed to once a week). A little slow out of the 2025 gate, I’m now getting around to planning ahead! Private mentoring is also available.


—  visit to see my full fine art portfolio  —


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Patricia Saxton

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