A Plethora of P's / #19: Praise

A sincere compliment, a recognition of good deeds, admiration, applause… “a gold star for good behavior”, a high-five.

Praise knows no boundaries, no judgments. It can be as quiet as one appreciative word, or a thunderous, symphonic tribute. And there’s no one amongst us – saints to sinners, paupers to kings– who doesn’t benefit from receiving, or giving, a genuine expression of praise.

Praise lifts us up. Sprinkle it around your world, and high-five generously.



And they paid (one wonders how much) for this?

I was in Denver last week. Went to a Rockies game. It was fun. (It was also cold. I like the Rockies, but I don’t like cold.)  Anyway, we’re sitting in our seats, donning our new (and very spiffy) Rockies caps, wrapped in blankets, waiting to be wowed by Ubaldo, the newly returning post-injury star pitcher, when my vision is distracted by a bright, bigger-than-life banner across the stands. The banner is advertising something about Qwest and Century Link. That’s fine, whatever ~ I don’t really care, and I focus back on the game.

But wait.

My eyes flit back to the bigger-than-life sign. Somehow it’s demanding my attention… and I find that I do care. In fact, I care so much I’m appalled. Because there it is, a gaping grammatical error in full baseball-stadium-sized color for all the world to see.

And I think, “they paid for this”. They actually paid, big bucks, for this. Do they think it’s right? Do they not speak the language? (Oh, and by the way, these are communication companies…) Are they kidding me? Is our increasingly short attention-spanned society and the need for sound bites and quick one-two punch lines really more valuable than saying it right? Are we overriding “well spoken” for the “grab ’em fast” mentality?

Now I’ll admit that in the scheme of life, this is not a deal breaker. It’s not a catastrophe. It’s not “important”. But it definitely offends my inner nerd, my sense of language and yes, my professionalism! It’s not okay.

Note to Qwest and Century Link: Call me. (saxton studio) I can do it better, correctly, AND probably for a quite a few less dollars than your ad agency charged. :  )


A Plethora of P's / #15: "Plaid"

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –

Once again, the positive P-word I’d planned for this week was preempted by a sudden inspiration. This one thanks to an old college friend who unwittingly mentioned that it’s National Tartan Week!

Scotland runs thick in my blood; the plaid used for this “P” is, in fact, from my maternal family line, the MacNaughton clan. Something I’m rather proud of.

And what’s the positive message? I’ll tell you this ~ it’s not the wearing of plaid pants, plaid skirts, or men in kilts. It’s not about saving a penny, or drinking Scotch Whiskey (although both notions have their place). It’s not about the uniquely moving sound of a well-played bagpipe. And it’s definitely, most definitely, not about haggis.

It’s about being proud of who you are and where you come from. It’s about appreciating those who came before you, and it’s about confidently showing your colors, inside and out.

So this one’s dedicated to all of us with Scottish ancestry ~ but meant for everyone. Honor the stepping stones of history, respect your heritage, and let the best of who you’ve become shine like a bold plaid.

“Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.” ~  Scottish proverb

(All P words to date are shown under the “A Plethora of P’s” menu item to the left)


Warrior Gryphon

Gryphons are nobody’s fool.

A winged monster with an eagle-like head and the body of a lion, gryphons make fierce warriors and noble guardians. I created this particular gryphon for The Silent Warrior Fund, a non-profit foundation that assists US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) soldiers and their families.

A strong symbol for a worthy cause. I’m proud to take part, and grateful to be able to use my talents freely because of their dedication and incredible courage.

My client chose several treatments ~ for website, letterhead, gear, etc. ~ but the gryphon will be the steady mascot on all. I’ll share the final logos later, and provide links again for those who’d like to learn more / support the cause.


What's St. Patrick's Day Without Beer?

I’m not agreeing or disagreeing, except to say that it doesn’t have to be green to qualify. (in fact, yea … it’s better if it’s not.)

And so, to honor the day, the Irish, those who want to be Irish, and all who enjoy a good guzzling of design, I’ve pulled together some cool beer bottles to show. Labels are a great canvas for design creativity, and all of these fit the bill.

Feast your eyes on these ~ and have a safe and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Evolution of a Book Cover

It starts with a story. An idea, words on a page.

The words unfold, revealing characters, settings, moods. And then, a bit like being put to music, the words get put to pictures. Different styles are explored, and certain elements are established that will express the essence of an entire book. A few renditions later, author and artist in sync, a cover is made.

This is Sam Moffie’s fifth novel; publish date forthcoming. Book cover designs @Patricia Saxton.


In Praise of Black and White: Part II

Ansel Adams / Aspens / Northern New Mexico 1958

I wrote this post a year ago. The text (with some edits) remains meaningful to me, but the images are new. (If you want to skip to the pictures, the short version is that I love black and white art and feel it’s under-appreciated…!)

Each year, a new Ansel Adams wall calendar hangs on the door leading to my studio. His superbly articulated, stunning black and white photography reminds me daily of my love for the natural world and the innumerable shades, shapes, shadows and tones that create, change, and emerge from, our world.

Yet the classic beauty and the powerful visual possibilities of black and white are often neglected. Straight black and white design is often passed by in favor of any use of color. As if black and white implied something dull or less important.

But when used well, black and white is intensely dramatic, vigorous, elegant and rich. It can get a powerful point across without the distraction of colors. It can be bright or moody, edgy or slick in ways that color cannot. It can sparkle with cleanliness. Black and white carries undisguised strength, character and integrity … when used well.

Of course, not all photographers have the eye nor skill of an Ansel Adams. Not all designers *see* in black and white. Clients rarely consider it. But it would be nice to see a greater appreciation of the noble duo of black and white.

When people want straight talk, when they want the truth, they’ll say “tell me in black and white”. But people often speak in shades of gray, or dress their language in garish colors for dramatic effect. And so it can be with design – a multitude of colors becomes too competitive, potentially drowning in an undifferentiated sea of tones or gussied up so much the point is lost for the color, like shouting for attention in a crowd.

Color, in and of itself, is naturally beautiful. Bold, rich fusions of color. Subtle, earthy color. Pale, cool, warm or dense. It’s vibrant and alive and emotional. But color alone will not make a bad design good. And it’s not so much that color is overrated, but that black and white is underrated. You don’t see it a lot, which is too bad, because the effects of black and white can be pretty spectacular.

Stripped of color, a million shades become a lansdcape of lights and darks that blend and weave and bounce against one another to create a very rich whole. A striking black and white image often touches us unexpectedly …  refreshing, engaging, and wonderfully inspiring. It’s raw and fundamental – and like a good story, it’s satisfying. Like a good story, it allows your mind to add its own color by filling in the parts left unsaid.

Enough said. Enjoy.

Ansel Adams / Tetons Snake River


“In Praise of Black & White: Part 1” images can be seen here.


A Plethora of P's / #5: "Piquant"

Zest. Spice. Spirit. …Flavorful … Piquant.

Pepper your day with positivity. Sprinkle pleasing, pungent, uplifting thoughts of promise  ~  give your dreams a kick!


A Plea and A Not-So-Positive P-Word

And that word would be: Politics.

© Patricia Saxton

As a sort of personal rule, I refrain from posting anything “political” on my blog. But more and more – and more and more – I find myself very disturbed by “what goes on”, and feel compelled to make a statement. Which is really more of a plea. And it may be a pointless exercise, but here goes.

People: Please, please stop the name-calling and the blaming and the high-and-mighty righteous slants to your political rants.

I sometimes think I’m more upset by the “conversation” that goes on, than the actual politics ~ and as a natural cynic when it comes to “politicians”, that’s saying a lot.  It gets to a point where it’s no longer about who’s in power, which party or what policy is supported (which is of course distorted, depending on who you listen to). It becomes an “I’m right and you’re wrong” discourse. It not only becomes counter-productive, it becomes destructive. It’s the part where we turn on ourselves after becoming so divided we can’t talk to our neighbors with civility because they have different political viewpoints. It becomes a self-inflicted societal poisoning.

Beating the drum of negativity under the guise of making things better is not very effective. It might go something like this…

{Why can’t we all just get along? Why can’t we have an intelligent discussion about our differences? If those idiots would just stop (fill in the blank), we could talk sense. Can you believe they actually believe those things? If they weren’t so stupid, stubborn and blind to the (insert fact of choice), we could all go back to being normal, happy people. I don’t understand why (insert political party, person or media outlet) insists on inciting hatred. They should all burn in hell. Why can’t we all be more tolerant? “Those people” (insert group of individuals) are ignorant fools …Why can’t we all just get along?}

I find it incredibly unfortunate that people can get so wrapped up in their “position” that arrogance takes hold. They label, they spew, they judge and jury.

Why do I bring this up now? It’s been making my blood boil for some time now, but the recent events in Tucson have brought it to a head (for me). I want to shout “LET IT GO people!” Stop. Just stop!

A horrendous act has occurred. American blood has been shed on American soil by an unbalanced American individual and it’s a tremendous tragedy. The desire for justice is strong, and rightly so. But the quick jump to unsavory political conclusions was appalling. Placing that kind of  blame for the twisted behavior of one sick individual is ludicrous. The need to point fingers, mind-boggling. To exacerbate the division occurring within our nation, amongst ourselves, via an event of this kind is, in my opinion, shameful and irresponsible. To use this occurrence as a means to continue voicing personal distain for “the other side” plays no positive, productive role. What it does do is fuel the flames of that which is undesired; in and of itself “inciting hatred”.

And so it was this example that prompted this post. I’m not defending any political figures, because I think they’ve all done things worthy of scrutiny and criticism. Nor am I letting media outlets off the hook, whose influence is far-reaching and can inappropriately ignite the fires. And I’m not talking about the political cartoon or the jab here and there. I am talking about personal attacks. I’m talking about the concept that “calling Sally fat will not make you thinner”.

One thing I know for a fact: we don’t know half of what goes on in the upper echelons of Washington DC or global leadership. That does not mean to imply we shouldn’t try to educate ourselves as much as possible. But in the process of that education, we should hear all sides of any topic.

Fox News people, spend some time over at MSNBC ~ and vice versa. I think you’d be surprised at how intellectually engaging and persuasive each “side” can be. And beyond that, LISTEN to talk radio – right and left versions. READ left and right leaning “news”.  Do your homework thoroughly. Don’t go by what “they say” the “other side says”. Then, and only then, call the kettle black.

Feelings and beliefs run hot. People are passionate. That we have the freedom to share our views, I am eternally grateful. But to put it in real simple terms, we don’t need to be mean about it.

At the end of the day, I think most of us want the same things. I think most of us are similarly in tune with what truly matters in our lives. How we get there, and how we help others to get there, may be up for grabs – but that’s okay.

Common ground can be attained…… but NOT if we’re bent on what amounts to bullying in the private sector. “They” won’t need to do a thing, because we’ll self-destruct.

Sorry for the long post. I promise to go back to clever design and drawing dragons now.