Alphabet Books Rethought

Maria Popova of “Brain Pickings: curating eclectic interestingness from culture’s collective brain” (gotta love her blog name!!) posts endless varieties of creative workings from all walks of thought. Hers is a blog definitely worth a visit, a follow, maybe even a subscription. So, not to steal from you Maria (how do you actually find all this neat stuff?), but I too thought the alphabet books you posted were absolutely brilliant. They’re candy for designers. I want to make one. But in the meantime, here’s the link for the rest of you to take a look, and feel inspired.

Alphabet Books Rethought

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Week 13: "52 Weeks of Peace"

During this week of one of the most American of holidays, traditionally filled with family, friends, food and football, we all give thanks for our bounty and our blessings, large or small. And I hope too, that each of you may find Peace draped within the folds of your own personal gratitude – and lovingly baked into your Thanksgiving feast.

All peace designs are shown together under the “52 Weeks of Peace” tab above.



Week 10: "52 Weeks of Peace"

What if you could just press a button? When things are a little out of control, messy, chaotic, loud. You’re climbing the walls. You just want a little peace. … Where’s that button when you need it? Search, search …where’s the darn thing … a-ha! you’ve found it. You press the bright, happy button. Presto! Calm instantly billows forth. Serenity lights your path. People of all ages are kind, gentle, compassionate.

It’s a fun idea.

But… maybe there IS a button – theoretically – inside each one of us, that we CAN press for peace. Inner peace. Which is where it all begins anyway. Maybe you can train you mind to obey your command of “be still”. Maybe you can create that light, just with thought. Focused, intentional thought. Maybe it’s worth a try. If it lasts only a few seconds, well that’s something, and a better place to go forward from.


Note: Weekly peace images are displayed (as a unit) under the “52 Weeks of Peace” tab above, where there is also a more detailed description of the series.



12 Cool Fonts

In earlier posts I’ve shared “10 indispensable fonts” and “10 nice script fonts”. But now and then you need to add a little “edge” to your content. A sprinkle of sassiness, a dash of funk.

I think of the following 12 fonts as “specialty fonts” because you certainly don’t want to use them to typeset whole documents, but as accents, to insert some typographical “color” and make a special statement. Of course the grungier they are, the less they should be used for long passages. But in measured doses, they definitely add a coolness you don’t get with traditional fonts …and they’re so much fun you’ll find yourself determined to find a perfect place to fit them.

