52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #66

“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.”
~  W. Clement Stone

“Peace Moon” / 52 Weeks of Peace [squared]: Week #66 / © Patricia Saxton

Did you know? … In skylore, the full moon of May is called Planting Moon or Milk Moon. But the full moon of May 5, 2012 is also nicknamed a “super moon” because it may seem so close and so enormous that you might think you could reach out and touch it! Why? The moon’s orbit cycle will be at its closest proximity to Earth (in astronomy, this distance is known as lunar perigee), and since this happens to coincide with a full moon, it literally is bigger and brighter to the eye. As long as it’s not overly cloudy, the effect is stunning!


“where in the world is peace?” … hiking canyons, hanging at the beach, back-seat driving!

52 Weeks of Peace recently hiked the Grand Canyon, relaxed by the sea, warmed by a Virginia fire, went to work, and showed up “after the party”.

Thank you so much for these wonderful shots! ~ and helping to share our mission to inspire individual peace in everyday ways.

Friends brought Peace along for their week-long hike in the Grand Canyon

Peace rides shot-gun. (or maybe as a back-seat driver?!)

Chillin' fireside in Virginia

The party's over, but peace carries on...!

Fun in the sun at Florida's Cocoa Beach

Where to next?

ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!


Education & Creativity According to the great Sir Ken Robinson

How did I miss this? It’s wonderful. If you haven’t already seen this terrific piece, I dare you not to enjoy it and take away some inspired thinking (as well as an appreciation for some pretty darn good whiteboard drawing!). If you have seen it, enjoy it again. : )


“where in the world is peace?” … rocky mountains

With a Rocky Mountain backdrop, tall pines and splashes of giant red rock, 52 Weeks of Peace traveled west this week, under the big skies of Colorado’s Front Range. (And a little fun was had setting the stage at the famous Red Rocks Amphitheater!)

Mountaintop in the ranching community of Livermore, Colorado

the camera lens was blurred, but the sentiment is clear. 🙂

Red Rocks Amphitheater, near Morrison, Colorado

arranging the bags for a long-distance shot

two more get into the act of arranging

the stage is set!

"Peace on the Rocks"

Northern Colorado. (This bag weathered a bear attack in Pennsylvania before traveling back to Colorado. It's cleaned up, but you can still see a smudge from the bear's paw on the bag's lower right corner!)

Where to next?

ps:  All “where in the world is peace?” images are compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available hereSend your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!


“where in the world is peace?” … community art park

These terrific pictures were shot in downtown Dayton, Ohio at Garden Station ~ an old rundown railroad turned dumping ground turned into a community garden/art park by a local artist collective. Positive hearts and minds in action ~ love it!

detail of "Peace Wall" ~ Garden Station, Dayton, Ohio

"Peace Trees" ~ Garden Station, Dayton, Ohio

full view of "Peace Wall", Garden Station, Dayton, Ohio

Where to next?

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


“The Happiness Advantage”


“Train your brain, and create ripples of positivity… ”

Unlike the stereotype of a brooding artist/musician/writer, whose greatest work comes on the back of depressing events, I’m with Shawn Anchor that happiness inspires productivity.

Anchor’s TED talk is entertaining, articulate and wise ~ and makes you feel good at the same time. A must listen!

“If we change our formula for happiness and success, what we can do, is we can change the way we can then affect reality….”


Time Out: Signs of Spring!

Dear Clients, I’m planning to take the rest of the afternoon off. I hope you don’t mind ~ in fact, I think you should too, and here’s why:

My God, what a gorgeous day! The windows are flung open wide, the sun shines, the air is warm and breezy. Birds chatter, daffodils open, kids walk home from school, sweatshirts abandoned.

Spring is everything delicious. Everything new and reborn. Really it is  ~ because it’s not as though we’ve never seen a daffodil before, but when they bloom each spring there’s a thrill of delight as if it were the first. And when we spot a robin, as if it were a strange and unusual creature, we shout like children, “look – a robin!”.

Our heart feels lighter, our hope expands. A beautiful day like this reminds us that life always chooses to look up, to grow towards the light and surprise us with a million ways to shine, no matter what.

And all that warrants some time out ~ enjoying this early gift from the fickle month of March, for the winds could change tomorrow!


“where in the world is peace?” … by the Caribbean Sea

Ah, yes.

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


Social Media Roller Coaster

I hear a bunch of exasperation out there about social media.

Bottom line, we have to make choices about our time ~ these days, almost on an hour-to-hour basis. In any given period we may ask, is this a good use of my time? Is this what I want to be doing, is this what I HAVE to be doing, is this just what happened when one thing ran into the next and here’s where I landed?

Those of us who are self-employed need to insert structure into our day, or we’d not be at all productive ~ and that requires a hefty dose of self-discipline.

This may work beautifully if you work with tasks that have clear beginnings and endings (not to say there aren’t snags and challenges that could send potentially simple project into galactic proportions), but far less controlled if you’re in the concepting stage of a design project where you’re, let’s say, trying to break the rules in imaginative, but still effective ways. You can’t set a timer for that. But you can set a timer that says it’s time to shift gears, have dinner, take a walk.

So what then do you do with the onslaught of social media demands on top of all the rest? Do you skip the walk to check your twitter feed? Post facebook quotes while you eat dinner? Pin on Pinterest early in the day, while checking email and planning calls … and yea … you see, things can start to overlap and then maybe your grip starts to slip, the ride is moving and your hat is flying… and you’re saying, “wait!, whoa, slow down!” Yet the world out there is saying, “ha! right! time waits for no one, better hop on!”

So you sigh and shrug and try to keep up.

Or you decide not to.

Here’s the thing: there’s no rule book that says you have to leap into every social media outlet that comes along. That said, I’d be leading you down the wrong road if I said you shouldn’t participate in at least a few of your choice. But by all means, unless you’ve got a budget and a staff whose sole job is to handle every social media site, be choosy.

When all those invites come in to join this group or that network, don’t impulsively jump. Let it sit. Check it out. If it feels right, you may want to climb aboard. If it feels a lot like “ugh, do I have to?”… then don’t.

Either way, don’t miss that walk in the park in order to get a front seat on the next social media wave. If it really sings to you, you can join in after your walk.