American Flag: A Visual Tribute

In May 1776, Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag. A year later in 1777, the Continental Congress passed the first Flag Act, establishing an official flag for the new nation:

“Resolved, That the flag of the United States be made of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.”

However, between 1777 and 1960, Congress passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement of the flag and allowed for additional stars and stripes to be added to reflect each new state. This broad span of time without specific guidelines resulted in many design interpretations – which in a sense also reflects the deeply rooted sense of freedom so cherished by Americans. The expressions were rich and proud, eventually evolving into the flag we pledge allegiance to today.

Carrying that theme of evolvement forward, in 1986 I discovered a beautiful book by Kit Hinrichs, called “Stars and Stripes” – a compilation of exceptionally creative American Flag images created by some of the finest graphic artists of modern time. I found it absolutely delightful, and a great tribute to the creativity and talent that abounds amongst us – and the creative freedom we’re able to enjoy in this great land of the free and home of the brave.

Below are just 13 samples of the many ingenious designs from that book honoring our American flag.  Enjoy!

flag1flag2flag3flag4flag5flag6flag7flag8flag9flag10flag11flag12flag13all images copyright of creator


Saxton's "A Book of Fairies" Receives Reviewer Praise


available for pre-order on

From Midwest Book Review:

A Book of Fairies is a fantastic children’s picturebook that presents a fascinating listing of imaginary facts about imaginary creatures. From the nature of Fairyland, to finding fairies, the tasks of fairies, fairy secrets and language, fairy medicine, and more, A Book of Fairies is a fun source of mystical speculation. The beautiful color illustrations perfectly complement the thoughtful text. A Book of Fairies is sure to bring joy not only to young readers, but also to adults who still believe in fairies!

“Of all the earth fairies, flower fairies are around us the most. Flower fairies are the ones skipping through the ivy, or tending your vegetable patch – yet they can be awfully hard to spot. They make their clothing from leaves and colorful flower petals, so they blend right into the gardens where they play.”



Most Creative Agency Website?

Effective or Just Entertaining?

This site has been making the rounds, and with good reason. It’s fresh. It’s clever. It’s fun. It’s a very, very creative approach for delivering a website.

And it may the kind of thing we’re going to see a lot more of in the web world. Whether it’s effective or just delightfully entertaining? Judge for yourself … and enjoy!

click to view

click to view BooneOakley website



The iPhone and Fun with Type


While adding some weblogs to my blogroll,  I came across one called Huge Type.  I was intrigued.  You can’t consider yourself a serious designer without some form of adoration for typography. Clicking on the site, I found it was an experiment / experience kind of thing. Further intrigued me.

Then I saw that this project / experiment incorporated the iPhone. (There again, who doesn’t love the iPhone?) And I thought, what a great, entertaining way to direct people’s attention to the sheer volume of outstanding typography –  and its fantastic craftsmanship – that surrounds us daily, to the point of viewer non-chalance.

We see type so often – on magazines, buses, billboards, our computers, our books – we use it to write with, design with, read with – that typefaces run great risk of being taken for granted.  They’re just “there”, they show up, they look good or bad.

Alot of people aren’t all that aware of the important role played by type.  But it is an amazingly important, critical part of any visual layout.  One word can evoke entirely different feelings based on what font is used to say it.  That’s pretty powerful.

So, while I’m at it, kudos to all the font designers out there, who painstakingly render their works of typographical art.  Thank you to the type design greats of history, and the modern font artists who carry on a strong tradition of skilled mastery.

Well I got off on a bit of a tangent there – but well worth it, if it reminds people of the expressiveness possible through the use of type and a gathers a little appreciation for the unsung heros of typography.  (We all know of Leonardo DaVinci and Frank Lloyd Wright, but how many know Giambattista Bodoni?)

So, take a look at this site if you’re interested in combining the iPhone and a little fun with type.  You may start seeing letters and words in a whole new way.
