Milton Glaser On Using Design To Make Ideas New
TED Talks (Ideas Worth Spreading) is one of my all-time favorite sources for Great Stuff. So imagine my delight to find this video of one of my all-time favorite people there as well.
Of course, it’s really no surprise to find Milton Glaser among the TED archives, but I’d not seen this one before. (For those of you outside of the design world, Milton Glaser is the living, legendary icon of the graphic design and illustration world; the guru, the master. A glance at his bio will give you a good overview.)
Having regretfully missed seeing him this week in New York for the launch of his new book, Drawing Is Thinking, this was a sort of virtual, substitute visit.
Milton is a marvel. A man of superior intellect and talent, with a wonderfully unassuming manner for someone of his stature. And as if we need any more proof, he recently received the National Medal of Arts – the first designer to achieve this recognition.
In his 80’s now, he recently told me he’d work as long as he can. Which, as I see it, is lucky for us.
Enjoy the “visit”. He’s a voice, and a mind, infinitely worth hearing.