Mockingbird’s First Day of Spring

This little fellow is hoping for sunshine. Or maybe he’s up early looking for that first worm. Or could be he’s getting a little bored waiting for the rest of the book to be finished (the one where he has a starring role)…. after those silly dragons have their day in the sun, of course.

(With a few word substitutions, not such different wishes than some of our own, eh?)

Ah, spring ~ full of hopes and dreams, delights and newnesses (even a new word for you) ~ happy first day of it!


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / #64

May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.  ~ Irish Blessing

…………  ♣ ………….

52 Weeks of Peace / Week #64 / © Patricia Saxton

Two peace signs this week, I know! There are two reasons for this. One, clearly this design couldn’t wait, since it is, after all, St. Patrick’s Day. Two, I needed an extra dose of peace myself this week. So there you have it.

Top o’the mornin’ to you; may your day be full of blessings! And remember ~ “A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures.” :  )

52 Weeks of Peace / Week #64B / © Patricia Saxton


52 Weeks of Peace (squared) / #63

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” ~ Albert Einstein

Yesterday was not only Albert Einstein’s birthday, but also National Pi Day.

Yes ~ ∏.  I’ve since learned that National Pie Day is on January 23. Still, one can take artistic license now and again. And besides, it seems a great theory to celebrate both mathematical tributes (Pi and Einstein) with some yummy dessert.

You could even make a mathematical equation in this somewhere, I betcha. The ratio of blueberries to sugar sprinkles? The probability of not a single sugar sprinkle hitting one of the raspberries? The average number of vertical lines in a kiwi slice?

Or maybe not ~ but I think Dr. Einstein would have enjoyed a piece of fruit pie, with a dollop of whipped cream and a nicely sharpened pencil on the side.


“where in the world is peace?” … by the Caribbean Sea

Ah, yes.

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


Getting Set for St. Patty

For those of you who like to honor St. Patrick, or have a love for all things Celtic, “52 Weeks of Peace” / Week 29 is for you!

Yep, it’s just about a week away ~ the day of dance and drink, and the traditional feasting of Irish bacon and cabbage, all to honor Saint Patrick, the patron saint and apostle of Ireland.

Saint Pat was actually born in Roman Britain (way back in the fifth century), but apparently was kidnapped at 16 and brought to Ireland to work as a slave. (I did not know this!)  He escaped (phew!), but returned to Ireland in later years, bringing Christianity with him, appealing to both the Roman Catholics and the Irish Protestants of the land. (No small feat in Ireland… so I’m guessing he must have been charming, as well as devout.) In the process, he also elevated the status of the shamrock, by using its three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

After nearly thirty years of evangelism, he died on 17 March 461. Patrick has endured as the principal champion of Irish Christianity.

And a little trivia (courtesy of Wikipedia):

The first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in Dublin on March 17, 1783.

The biggest celebrations outside Dublin are in Downpatrick, County Down, where Saint Patrick is rumoured to be buried. In 2004, the week-long St. Patrick’s Festival had more than 2,000 participants among 82 floats, bands, and performers and was watched by more than 30,000 people.

The shortest St Patrick’s Day parade in the world takes place in Dripsey, Cork. The parade lasts just 100 yards and travels between the village’s two pubs. :  )

So there you have it. And as they say, “If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, then you’re lucky enough.”


“where in the world is peace?” … from wintry pines to westminster abbey

Alright, not exactly at Westminster Abbey, but close enough! And I’m pretty sure this bag did make the trek to the abbey, along with London’s other great sites.

Then as if to remind us that March it may be, but winter isn’t over quite yet ~ a lovely snow-tipped vision of peace among earth’s leaves and branches.

Thank you both for spreading our peace message in everyday ways! Gratitude…!

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images compiled on our special “where in the world is peace?” page. Totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to and we’ll also post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


Six Businesses, Six Business Cards

Using the same businesses from “Six Businesses, Six Logos” (with one substitution), here’s how their identities start to play themselves out in a practical format.

Although limited by fitting the amount of information any given client feels is necessary into a relatively small space, you can have a lot of fun with business cards, especially if you’ve designed a logo that allows you to pull from various elements. The key here is to not only support the brand identity through consistent logo use, but to expand upon it by appropriately enhancing the look and the feel. The canvas is small, but the impact doesn’t have to be.


Six Businesses, Six Logos

Someone recently asked me, “How do you create a logo? Where do you start?”

I didn’t have a ready answer, except that it just sort of happens ~ ideas, concepts, visuals come to mind, which then evolve, and then get tweaked into a finished product. And while this is the truth of it, I’m sure it was highly useless to the person asking the question, especially the part where it “just sort of happens”.

If I were to try again, I’d say that the “just happening” probably comes from many years of what I’ll call research. It’s being in a business where you’re constantly aware of branding, you’re using different fonts and font combinations on a daily basis, working with shapes and colors and sizes and revolving trends. So that when you sit down to “create”, there’s all this history at your disposal. A muscle that’s been exercised regularly. You know where you can bend and stretch the limits, and you know ~ both intuitively and figuratively ~ what won’t work.

With that in mind, I have 4 rules I’ve always followed when creating a logo:

1.) Clear the head.

2.) Listen.

3.) Find emotional touchpoints and discern the personality of the business.

4.) Distill to its simplest form.

Of course within the process there’s the wonderfully muddy area where creativity swirls. Marrying concepts and tastes, the play of fonts, and the interweaving of symbols and shapes to give a visual voice to the intent of the logo: which is to be distinctive, memorable and clean, ready to leave a solid, ever-present, impression.

Here are 6 recent logos from 6 different businesses: A Non-Profit Foundation for Special Forces families, Landscaping, Real Estate Staging, E-Learning, Speech & Presentation Coaching, and Osteopathy. (I might mention that most of these presented the additional challenge of being particularly long names, which can be trickier when it comes to applying them… more on that next.)