
A few ditties to get you in the Christmas spirit.

1. Holiday tea #1: remedy for too much hustle-bustle ~ enjoy liberally whenever peace & calm are needed.


2. Holiday tea #2: when you need a little more pep in your step, and some umph in your ho-ho-ho.

3. A Plethora of P’s / #49: Peppermint: Popular for providing a perky punch to the palette. Also a preferred prescription for various physical predicaments, and provides a sweet emotional pick-me-up when given to the young, then watching their faces light up.

4. Because we all need a little cheer. : )




We Want Your Mug!… Putting Faces on Peace

Progress! … Well, it’s probably the busiest time of year to have started this little (big?) project, but we’re getting more and more pictures of your beautiful selves sharing peace, so I thought I’d share some with you. Every single one a happy shot. Lovely! Many thanks to those who’ve sent their images ~ and those who haven’t, we’re hoping you’ll join in and send yours! (Details below.)

All you need is a camera, a 52 Weeks of Peace product*, and a smile!

Take “waist-up” shots of people holding (or wearing) something “52 Weeks of Peace” (the book, a favorite postcard from the book, a bag, button or mug*…). All ages, shapes and sizes welcome. The only requirement is that it’s a clean, clear shot that shows off one or more people ~ and that it is freely given for public use (no names please) ~ and the picture should be happy.

There’s no prize, no “special offer” ~ this isn’t a big business deal, just one artist/writer looking to round up some friends and friends-of-friends who like the idea. That’s it. Grass-roots, “just because”. If you’d like to be part of this project, you can post a picture to the 52 Weeks of Peace facebook page, or send them to

Peace starts right here, right now, with you, with me ~ let’s inspire, let’s do this!


* 52 weeks of peace gear * 52 weeks of peace book


Tuesdays with Chris: “Magic Clay”

Chris Staley

Chris Staley

Clay is magical.

There is, of course, s a sense of magic in all artistic endeavors. The “making something from nothing”, starting with the simplest base and most fundamental tools ~ whether a pencil and paper, strings on a guitar, a slab of clay ~ creating as your hands, eyes, heart, mind and spirit move you. The magic is in the spontaneity, the exploration. The details follow ~ but first comes the spark.

Here, Chris shares some of his own magic with us, and it’s a delight to see!

(If you missed my introduction about Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013, you can read that here.)  Enjoy!


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #80

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank

We hold the world in our hands. Let’s celebrate the good. Let’s ease another’s suffering, large or small, harm none, and share our love. That’s what we can do in a moment; in this moment, in our own small corner of the world. ~ ♥ Patricia


“where in the world is peace?” … virginia, pennsylvania, alaska!

From way up north near Anchorage, Alaska, to the horse country of Virginia, with a stop at the city of Brotherly Love along the way ~ peace travels well (and loves the critters)!


one of our 52 Weeks of Peace buttons

Santa’s got a brand new bag …

Thunder loves Alaska!

Can we go out and play in the Alaskan snow now?

Peace in Berryville, VA

World’s sweetest dog, Berryville, VA

“I say, if you give me my food, I’ll feel peace…”

Peace, art, books and justice in Austin, Texas

Peace elf in Austin, Texas

Peace out!

The perfect antidote for ledger work, near Philadelphia, PA

Sweet! Bulletin-board peace!

Where in the world is peace right now? I hope peace finds all of you this holiday season, and ignites all of our hearts.

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images on our “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Please email your own pictures to or post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


Tuesdays with Chris: “Drawing as Thinking”

Chris Staley (sketchs)

some of Chris’s rough sketches

Can it be Tuesday again already? That sure went fast! But it means another great video from Chris. This week he’s talking about something that plays a pretty major role in my own life, so I’ve decided not to make any elaborate commentary ~ of course, if what he says has anything to do with stream of consciousness, or infinite possibilities, he’s on to something…

(If you missed my introduction about Chris Staley, master potter, educator and Penn State Laureate 2012-2013, you can read that here.)  Enjoy!


Creative Holiday Gifts!

The holidays are kicking into gear, and our shop is always open! Please feel free to share with friends interested in something special, good for mind and soul, priced under $25 and created from the heart. ♥