Wise Words

“Dream big. Work hard. Think for yourself. And love everything you love, and every one you love, with all your might.”
~  David McCullough, Jr., English teacher, from his Wellesley High School Commencement Speech

Wise words. Inspiring words. Yet apparently McCullough’s speech to the 2012 graduating class of High School seniors caused a fuss ~ because, in the speech, he told the students that they were “nothing special.” But if you listen (and I recommend that you do), many of you, like I did, will wonder what the controversy was all about.

Are we so coddled and inattentive that we get sidetracked by dissecting the minutia of a few phrases without hearing the full context of truth and wisdom?

Maybe the shame here is that it took the raising of eyebrows to make it to a broader audience. It’s outstanding. Bravo, well done!

If you want more on this, there’s a great editorial write-up about this video here.


On Writing with Authenticity

They tell you to write what you know. But I say, without a doubt, write what you love.

For example, I know photoshop really well. It’s a fabulously cool tool. I can teach you how to use it, I can show you a litany of tips & tricks ~ but lord have mercy, I do not want to write about it! (Thankfully there are plenty of other people who do.) Photoshop does not stir my soul.

Write about things that stir your soul.

Write like you’re having a conversation, because in essence you are. Write like it’s the most interesting subject in the world. Write with all your heart. Let it rip. Write from your gut. Write with pleasure and conviction and spark.

I don’t care if you love blue herons or monopoly games or computer chips or zombie warlords ~ what you have passion for, you’ll write about best ~ so pull the words from that raw, genuine place. Oh, and have fun with it.

And later, most definitely, edit … with all your mind!


A Plethora of P’s / #57: Purple

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Because purple is fabulous.The color of royalty, the color supreme for little girls, the essence of spirituality. It’s sublime and grand and bright and fun and radiant and plush and proud and deep and mysterious and joyful and lavish and luscious and lovely. We should all have some purple in our world.


A Plethora of P’s / #56: Postcards

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Postcards! Snippets of our lives captured with a picture and a few friendly words that tell someone we’re thinking of them. Except now… with instant email access from almost anywhere in the world, pictures arriving within seconds on our cell phones and exotic places available daily on tv, handwritten postcards are near extinction, relegated to “nostalgia”.

There was a time when it was a treat to send something in the mail from faraway places ~ maybe India or Paris or Jamaica, or from a child at summer camp “a million miles from home” ~ and just as much a treasure to receive.

Now, we’re home before the card. Or we’ve skyped from Finland. Or we’ve shared our stories on Facebook. The postcard is old news.

But this is also true: there isn’t one of us who doesn’t harbor a secret wish for a real letter in the mail. A real birthday card, a real thank you card, a real postcard. With real words written with a real pen by a real live bona fide human being who took the time to write … to you! There’s nothing that says “I’m thinking of you” more than a hand-written or hand-typed note. If you aren’t convinced, watch the sparkle in the eyes of a kid growing up on electronic communication when they see a real envelope in the real mailbox addressed to their very own name.

So maybe, just maybe, the new beauty of sending a card is actually its “novelty” all over again. And maybe, just maybe, the thoughtful, simple act of writing a note won’t go the way of the dinosaurs, not yet, not 100% completely.

By the way, if you didn’t know, it’s National Postcard Week this week. Every day, all week. So send some love out there!

(Of course, I happen to know about an awesome postcard book…!  [forgive the brazen self-promotion] If you haven’t gotten one yet, my publisher has created an e-card set-up this week in honor of National Postcard Week, so you can send a smile to a friend for free. Nice!)


A Plethora of P’s / #55: Pretty

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Pretty is a sweet word. Something light and graceful and attractive, maybe even delicate. Pretty is pleasing to the eye, to the ear, to the mind.

We think of “pretty” as feminine, but it’s not for girls only. Sure, we girls like to feel pretty, and I won’t deny that make-up or the right shoes (and definitely the right little black dress!) can give our spirits a lift ~ but one look at a soft pink sunset or a peacock’s feathers, or hearing the sweet song of a flute, or feeling the rhythm of a flowing dance … and I know that we all enjoy the pleasure of pretty.

After all, “pretty” makes the dusty bits of life a little brighter.


Education & Creativity According to the great Sir Ken Robinson

How did I miss this? It’s wonderful. If you haven’t already seen this terrific piece, I dare you not to enjoy it and take away some inspired thinking (as well as an appreciation for some pretty darn good whiteboard drawing!). If you have seen it, enjoy it again. : )


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #65

We should love Mother Earth every day, but since we’ve got “Earth Day” designated on the calendar, and it’ll be here tomorrow (April 22), I figured I’d offer a new bit of peace for the occasion, with this thought-wish:

May peace blossom in your world, with luxuriant petals that fall in soft, lovely patterns reminding us that both peace and the planet are endlessly beautiful. Tend them lovingly ~ for if not me and not you, then who will nurture all that is good and glorious in this world?


A Plethora of P’s / #54: Purity

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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A perfect rose. A flawless chord. Pure white snow. The softness of a baby’s skin. A child’s laugh. A cherry tomato plucked from the vine. Mountain air.

We all love purity. I think on some level we crave it. And it’s not just a nice concept for optimists, it’s something real and raw, basic and primitive. It’s untouched and genuine. It’s unsullied, honest-to-goodness simplicity.

Even in this increasingly technological world, this world of mayhem, madness and convoluted this and that, a world where a drink may say “organic” because one of ten ingredients may have actually been organic, a world that sometimes seems almost tragically impaired by impurities of all kinds ~ purity can still be found.

We find it in the new seed planted in the garden, in the bear hug from a loved one, in the sunrise. The just right cup of tea. The sparrow’s song. The rhythm of a drum. Wit. Wonder. Wisdom. In so many ways, it’s all around us.

Go get some ~ however small, however large ~ and give it your attention, and let purity wash over your spirit like cleansing waves.