Give Peace (& then some!)
Our offering of gifts to brighten the holiday season; for all who might appreciate art, design and creativity, peace, magical beings, hope and promise. Give, receive, share and enjoy for years to come!
Our offering of gifts to brighten the holiday season; for all who might appreciate art, design and creativity, peace, magical beings, hope and promise. Give, receive, share and enjoy for years to come!
Have any of you seen the movie about Beatrix Potter, “Miss Potter”, starring Renee Zellweger? It’s a sweet, undemanding movie that wants to be more than that, but is charmingly well-crafted just the same. And it offers a glimpse into one of the world’s most celebrated author/illustrators. Perhaps THE most celebrated female illustrator. That alone made it a must-see for me.
In any event, I was reminded of the movie this afternoon, as my mind attempted to fight off months of deadlines and too many plates in the air and pressures of all varieties, big and small, memorable and not, and I fell into this kind of playful mode with characters from a book I’ve not yet published. Sitting, alone, I had the sudden inspiration for a couple of my characters to make a cameo appearance with one of my 52 Weeks of Peace bags.
We had a fun time with that, the characters and myself. And I thought, is this strange? Probably. (And worse yet, should I be admitting this?)
So I found myself very relieved to have seen the movie, because in the film, Miss Potter’s characters talk to her. And of course, she talks back. So it’s okay. And even if it’s not, in lieu of a 3-week junket to Tuscany, it offered a refreshing moment of simple fancy in a sometimes overly serious world. (Not to mention it was good for my little friends to get out and make some mischief ….)
© Patricia Saxton
Ah, so I’m not the only one who spots a single typo on a page of 300 small-print words. Of course, to err is human (we’ve all done it), so no scolding here, just some fun and an underscore of why we bother to proofread.
“The Pasta Bible” by Silvio Rizzi and Tan Lee Leng: … A recipe calls for “freshly ground black people,” (I’m thinking that oughta be black “pepper”, no?)
“The Fiction” by H.P. Lovecraft: … “…our vessel was made a legitimate prize, whilst we of her crew were treated with all the fairness and consideration due us as navel prisoners.” (Unintentional belly humor.)
“The Queen’s Governess” by Karen Harper: … “In the weak light of dawn, I tugged on the gown and sleeves I’d discarded like a wonton last night to fall into John’s arms.” (A rather starchy romance…)
“An American Tragedy” by Theodore Dreiser …”…harmoniously abandoning themselves to the rhythm of the music – like two small chips being tossed about on a rough but friendly sea.” (Lays or Doritos?)
“King James Bible”, 1631: …”Thou shalt commit adultery.” (yikes)
And one from my personal archives….. back in the mid 80’s, a hulking print campaign of AT&T’s “Spirit” phone system had inadvertently used a competitor’s name, “Sprint”, in place of “Spirit” throughout the documents. Luckily someone caught it before it went to press…
(Typo spottings from above best-selling books, courtesy HuffPost Books section.)