Ideas in the Raw

They come unbidden, so you grab what’s handy and make a fast sketch. Could be a napkin, an old receipt, the back of an announcement sent home from school.

Maybe you’re on the computer, working on a couple of websites or some ad layouts or some logo designs, or paying bills or writing up a proposal… and into your mind streaks the realization that the holidays are upon us and you have to do something for that too.

Quickly, you pick up a pen and scribble out an image or two. No time to develop it just yet, but it’s out now and you go back to those other deadlines.

And that’s how it happens.

Raw ideas can simply spill out when least expected. At their best, the energy captured in sketches gets translated into the polished, refined end-product. At their worst, they’ve given you a place to work from.

So there’s really no downside. Sketch it out. On paper, with a pen or pencil or marker. From your mind to your hand. I highly recommend it!


Post-Thanksgiving: Sundae Peace

Peace # 55 ….. is about some give, some take, some working, some sharing. It’s having enjoyed a great meal with great people, using a little muscle to help unload truck-fulls of stuff for your brother and sister-in-law’s move back east, and leaving them with a stash of homemade hot fudge sauce to enjoy after you’ve gone. And at the end of the day, being grateful for those simple things.

© Patricia Saxton


Thanksgiving Peace: Week 13 of “52 Weeks of Peace”

I’m reposting this, as the message holds true. I thank you all for your love and support ~ and wish you many beautiful blessings.

During this week of one of the most American of holidays, traditionally filled with family, friends, food and football, we all give thanks for our bounty and our blessings, large or small. And I hope too, that each of you may find Peace draped within the folds of your own personal gratitude – and lovingly baked into your Thanksgiving feast.

All peace designs are shown together under the “52 Weeks of Peace” tab.


A Plethora of P’s / #47: Perfection

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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A grand old oak. Moonlight on a tranquil sea. The timed-just-right one-liner. A child’s first alphabet. These are perfection.

And you (yes ~ you) are perfection. In all your realness, your uniquely you-ness, just the way nature made you, flaws and all. It’s not measured by the length of your legs, the width of your belly, or whether you might not be so good at baseball or science.

Unless you’re a jet engine, perfection is as nature made you. And nothing is more perfect, nothing so magnificently intricate and complex that runs more efficiently nor encompasses more bounty, grace, grandeur and passion than nature.

An exquisite rose reminds us of the world’s beauty; its thorns remind us that there is always a purpose beyond what meets the eye. An ugly plant may not elicit oohs and ahhs, but it might perhaps hold a cure for cancer.

We’re all part of nature’s fabric. We all have beauty, we all have thorns. We all have gifts, and reason to be here. Each and every one of us. Flawed, and marvelously, perfectly ourselves.


“where in the world is peace?”… sunny california

One of our bags found its way to the west coast, winding up at Huntington Beach, California. (I have to say, the “peace with mermaids” made me smile from ear to ear.) All three are terrific shots, and I love seeing the concept spread. More peace ambassador thanks goes out!!

Where to next…?

(ps:  all “where in the world is peace?” images are being compiled on a special “where in the world is peace?” page, here. Totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to or join our FaceBook page and post them there. Let’s’see where peace goes!)


A Plethora of P’s / #46: Pair of Pears

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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A pair of pears. Why not just pair, or just pear? Because, as we have been taught, things are often better in pairs. Two eyes, two hands, two feet, for example. Or “two heads are better than one”. Noah filled the ark in pairs. Girls always use the ladies room in pairs.

It must be, then, that two pears are more advantageous than one lonely pear all by itself. Twice the fiber, twice the vitamin C, and twice the calming effects on the nervous system.

Of course, the real truth is that I picked Pear as a positive P because, for some reason, I like to paint them. I actually prefer to paint them than eat them. Their curves and colors are incredibly conducive to a pen or brush ~ they practically beg for portraiture. For this reason alone, pears are good. Add in the medicinal benefits and they’ve got “positive” written all over them.

So a pear of pairs presents a dual positive. And I figure we could all use a double-dose of cheerful thinking now and then. Just remember to try and pair up wisely. And yes, eat your fruit.

"Two Pears" / © Patricia Saxton / Oil on Canvas


Doing What You Love

“let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”  ~ Rumi

I came across these sketches the other night .. a couple of the original pencil drawings for A Book of Fairies; and was reminded how much I enjoyed creating that book.

They also reminded me that loving what you do can translate into something that’s not only real and viable~ but with enough good spirit (backed by solid effort … and maybe a muse or two), it can also touch others in ways you hadn’t imagined.

How do you measure that? It comes unexpected, in the eyes of a delighted child, eager to share a story about the mermaid they saw in their grandfather’s creek, or the child who sends you a hand-drawn thank you with fairy crowns and sparkles, or the teen who wants to be an author or an illustrator too.

And all of that makes all the years of well-loved pencil scribbling all the more meaningful. It makes doing what you love make sense.




A Plethora of P’s / #45: Pachyderm

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Wrinkles never looked so good. Nor housed beings so big and rich in personality, intelligence, loyalty and tender care as an elephant clan.

Then there are the rhinos and hippos. And wild boars and warthogs. And I have to say I’m pretty enamored with their novelty and longevity in a civilized world. Just knowing they exist makes me happy for some reason.

That I’ve seen them in the wild makes me even happier ~ but let me tell you, I wouldn’t want to cross any of them when they’re in bad mood. They’re thick-skinned and they don’t take any bull. You gotta admire that.

And there’s something to be learned there, huh. Longevity… loyalty… thick skins… worrying less about things that are out of our reach, and more about taking care of what’s within our grasp, right here and now.

Food for thought.


“where in the world is peace?”… west of the delaware and south of the mason-dixon line

Book by book, bag by bag, button by button, good people are spreading the message that “peace starts here”. Much appreciation to these new peace ambassadors!

The fabulous Hunga Bunga Java shop in Surf City, NC

The Hunga Bunga Java mascots!, North Carolina

off to school!

Christmas in October at Lake in Wood campground, Narvon, PA.

Delta Gamma house, Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH

"Tiger Spirit", Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH

My Jacket

(ps:  all “where in the world is peace?” images are being compiled on a special “where in the world is peace?” page, here. Totes, mugs and things are available here. Send your own pictures to or join our FaceBook page and post them there. Let”s see where peace goes!)


A Plethora of P’s / #44: Pumpkin

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

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Pumpkin season! Bewitching, enchanting, spooky, happy pumpkin season….

I know I’m a little late on this one. It was all ready to go, then the power went out. Then it stayed out. Halloween itself was cancelled. School’s been cancelled. So you could say, life took a turn.

But the power’s back on, and my orange Pumpkin Cat “P” is here to remind us to make room to be bright, lighthearted and playful, a little bit preposterous ~ and, yes, even pointless now and then. :  )