I Love Lucy

An outstanding display of “play”, Google celebrates Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday in one of their now infamous animated google doodles.

google.com's doodle for August 6 let you turn the dial and adjust the volume!

If you’re too young to know “I Love Lucy”, you’ve missed one of the all-time great comediennes. If you’re old enough – enjoy the memories. Thanks Google!



New & Improved Mermaid Video Debut

Sorry to post this again, but it must be done!

I wasn’t satisfied with the sound quality on my Magnetic Mermaid Toy video. The music itself was excellent, the problem came with the translation inside the video editing software.

Thanks to the collaboration with musician and master whistler (& fellow perfectionist!) David Santucci, a new track was prepared that worked MUCH better in the editing process. Our ears are much more pleased ~ and we think yours will be too. Please enjoy!



A Conspiracy of Mermaids, Art, Music and a Toy

If you recall the “sneak peeks” I posted a while back, your wait is over. Here’s a special something I’ve been conjuring up for the holidays!


For those interested, this video was created with hand-drawings, animated in PowerPoint. I wanted to push the boundaries of what most people think PowerPoint can and can’t do. In that sense alone, I feel a mission was accomplished. But I also wanted to have some fun with it…. which I did!

The vision for the video came to me after it was clear that no one wanted their children to be filmed in a piece that would be shown on YouTube. That was disappointing, since kids really engage with this game and it would have been great to capture their enthusiasm. But, as someone, somewhere, once said, “inside every cloud is a silver lining”. This one came in the form of a happy idea.

And so, this is what happened when an idea + illustrations + PowerPoint + some good music became a video!

Special thanks to composer/musician David Santucci for lending his remarkable talent to this piece. A gifted artist and overall nice guy whose work will soon be available in high-def quality on iTunes; it was a delightful collaboration.

Now I hope you’ll go on over to Amazon and buy the Magnetic Mermaid Dress-Up toy and make some kids very happy this holiday! :  )