Passion or Bust!


Does anyone else feel like time is moving at warp speed? Every year it seems faster, but, so far 2024 feels crazy fast. Like a relentless, churning sea rushing against an invisible clock.

One of these days I’d like to master time. It’s been said that time exists so that everything doesn’t happen at once. Which sort of leads to another line of thinking that the past, present and future are actually occurring at the same time – which is a hard concept to wrap one’s head around, which can then leave us with the classic wisdom of the present moment being the only one that matters – the only one where we have any tangible influence – and that that is where we should bestow our precious attention.

It’s pretty fair to say that I don’t always know where the time goes, but there’s lots of attention on creativity over here, so I’ll share some of what’s been happening around the studio.



ART COMMISSIONS continue to be flowing. (Including a work in progress that aligns with this Year of the Dragon, making for the ethereal company of marvelous, fantastical beasts while I paint!) Not all artists like commission work, as there’s an extra pressure involved painting for someone rather than painting whatever flows. That said, I appreciate my commissioning clientele – they respect an intrinsic need for artistic freedom; they understand that while I can produce what they’ve asked for, there’s very much an element of “as the spirit moves” to my work. (After many long years at the proverbial drawing table, this was inevitable.) “Passion or bust!” another someone once said, and I concur.


APRIL saw a nice feature article on yours truly in Sedona Monthly, a well-respected and beautifully produced magazine. (Read the feature here.) There’s a lot of talent in this town, so I extend many thanks to the team over there for including mine.


IN MAY Sedona was graced by the Aurora Borealis.(wow!) The wildflowers and cacti are blooming now, and the golden sun on the red rocks continues to hold my heart hostage.



IN OTHER NEWS, I’ll be teaching several classes/workshops this fall at the Sedona Arts Center. I’m not sure what took me so long to offer these, but I’m looking forward to them all. Lots of planning … stay tuned for announcements on those!



Also stay tuned for postcards from Austria. (Maybe not actual postcards? Although I like the idea now that I think of it …) Considering how quickly the months are flying by, our Art Retreat in Austria is just around the corner. August 4 – 10 to be precise, and it’s going to be grand. I see it as a bit of a “life, art and the universe” experience where everyone can not only expand their creative expression but, in the process, just might infuse some hand-and-heart-made love, joy and beauty into this very messy world we live in. Cheers to that, I say!


Patricia Saxton

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