Ralph Waldo Emerson's Great Relevance

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What a fabulous treat to have stumbled upon… Philosophy, books and film in tribute and reverent reflection of the great Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Emerson’s writings have been a mainstay of inspiration to me since my early teens. So I was really pleased to see the always interesting BrainPickings site acknowledging Emerson’s 208th birthday with a terrific post about his life, work and timeless value, including a link to a new publication of Emerson’s famous Self-Reliance by Seth Godin’s Domino Project.

Also included, the marvelous documentary film “Emerson: The Ideal in America” by David Beardsley. I have to tell you, it makes my spirit glad to spread this information. I hope it’ll inspire you to revisit some of the works of one of the world’s truly great thinkers.

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“Here is the real secret to Emerson’s work: He stands still, he listens to his heart, and he writes as he listens.” (from the film.)