“52 Weeks of Peace” ~ The Book!

Two years ago to the day, I launched a creative series called “52 Weeks of Peace”, posting a new design on my blog each week for a year.

Today, I am so pleased to announce that thanks to my publisher Lightbox Books (a division of Shenanigan Books), the entire collection is now in gorgeous postcard book format, available for sending, framing, or just enjoying. You can order copies here, or by clicking anywhere on the announcement below.

A side note ~ you might find it interesting (I did!) that the book’s release coincides with the 50th anniversary year of the Peace Corps ~ and that a selection from the series is part of an upcoming 9/11 tenth anniversary exhibit. It’s really something how that all lined up ~ maybe the universe had a hand in it!

I thank you all for your support and encouragement, your appreciation of the art, and helping to spread the idea that “peace starts here”, with each individual, in every day ways.


Week 4: "52 Weeks of Peace"


Note: Weekly peace images are displayed (as a unit) under the “52 Weeks of Peace” tab above, where there is also a more detailed description of the series.



The iPhone and Fun with Type


While adding some weblogs to my blogroll,  I came across one called Huge Type.  I was intrigued.  You can’t consider yourself a serious designer without some form of adoration for typography. Clicking on the site, I found it was an experiment / experience kind of thing. Further intrigued me.

Then I saw that this project / experiment incorporated the iPhone. (There again, who doesn’t love the iPhone?) And I thought, what a great, entertaining way to direct people’s attention to the sheer volume of outstanding typography –  and its fantastic craftsmanship – that surrounds us daily, to the point of viewer non-chalance.

We see type so often – on magazines, buses, billboards, our computers, our books – we use it to write with, design with, read with – that typefaces run great risk of being taken for granted.  They’re just “there”, they show up, they look good or bad.

Alot of people aren’t all that aware of the important role played by type.  But it is an amazingly important, critical part of any visual layout.  One word can evoke entirely different feelings based on what font is used to say it.  That’s pretty powerful.

So, while I’m at it, kudos to all the font designers out there, who painstakingly render their works of typographical art.  Thank you to the type design greats of history, and the modern font artists who carry on a strong tradition of skilled mastery.

Well I got off on a bit of a tangent there – but well worth it, if it reminds people of the expressiveness possible through the use of type and a gathers a little appreciation for the unsung heros of typography.  (We all know of Leonardo DaVinci and Frank Lloyd Wright, but how many know Giambattista Bodoni?)

So, take a look at this site if you’re interested in combining the iPhone and a little fun with type.  You may start seeing letters and words in a whole new way.  http://www.hugetype.com/



All a-Twitter

… thoughts for the uninitiated tweeter

Twitter, Tweeting, Tweetchat, and Twerbose (my new favorite). It’s all the rage and has folks everywhere, well, all a-twitter.

I’m just getting my Twitter legs, but already I can see that it’s a pretty cool tool.

It took me a while to fully climb on board this latest and insanely popular networking train. I was among the many reluctant people who “don’t get it”, but still feel intrigued – or societally pressured – to find out what it’s about.

It can easily be seen as another time-waster, another thing on the to-do list, and for what purpose? And there’s the bit about “following” people, and they in turn following you, which basically means you can see what they’re up to via small word chunks. But really, besides friends and family, who honestly cares what I did today, or what I’m thinking or what I had for lunch?

Then folks began using it for business. Which made me wonder how anyone gets their work done between blogging, tweeting, linked-in-ing, facebook-ing, plaxo-ing and the scores of other online ways to connect.

Turns out though, it’s not the great intrusion I thought it might be. It’s actually a valid resource, as well as a way to expand contacts tremendously and easily. It’s a very open, uncomplicated place.

You can make short announcements, write brief words of wisdom, share a website, a book, a video – whatever is on your mind. You can use it to promote, learn, grab an idea. See what the President is up to. Receive inspiration. Chime in on tweetchats of interest. All very quickly. Because it caters to “soundbites” (small bits of info), it doesn’t take much time to update or to scour through others’ tweets.

Of course, you can ignore it, too. Up to you.

But one thing is for certain, tweeting is evolving. What started as a social mechanism has also become a business medium and a news medium. There are new uses being created by Twitter users all the time – which makes it feel very alive and adaptable.

Signing up is about as painless as it gets. Jumping in is a piece of cake. It’s what’s happening. And it’s actually pretty tweet.




In Praise of Black and White: Part I

Ansel Adams, Moon and Half Dome

Ansel Adams, Moon and Half Dome

Each year, a new Ansel Adams wall calendar hangs on the door leading to my studio.  His superbly articulated, stunning black and white photography reminds me daily of my love for the natural world as well as the innumerable shades, shapes, shadows and tones that create, change, and emerge from, the world around us.

Yet in a time when everyone wants color, the classic beauty and the powerful visual possibilities of black and white are often neglected.  In the design world, black and white is often completely overlooked or passed by in favor of any use of color.  As if black and white implies something less important, or something dull – even something “cheap”.

But when used well, black and white can be anything but dull, nor without value.  Black and white can be intensely dramatic, elegant and rich.  It can get a strong point across without the distraction of colors.  It can be brilliant or moody, edgy or slick in ways that color cannot.  It can sparkle with cleanliness. Black and white carries undisguised strength, character and integrity … when used well.  Not all photographers have the eye nor skill of an Ansel Adams. Not all designers see in black and white.  Clients rarely consider it.  But it would be nice to see a greater appreciation of the noble duo of black and white.

When people want straight talk, they’ll say “tell me in black and white” – which infers that they’ll get to the truth of the matter.  But more often people speak in shades of gray, or dress it up in garish colors for dramatic effect. So it is with design – a multitude of colors have the potential to become an undifferentiated sea of grays, or gussied up so much the point is lost for the color.

Of course color is beautiful.  As an artist, I can’t help but adore color. Bold, rich fusions of color. Yet color alone will not make a bad design good. And it’s not so much that color is overrated, but that black and white is underrated. You don’t see it alot, which is unfortunate, because the effects of black and white can be pretty spectacular.

It’s a rich experience to see things in black and white; stripped of color, a million shades of gray become a lansdcape of lights and darks that blend and bounce against one another to create a whole. Even if you don’t see things quite like that, a striking black and white image often touches people unexpectedly.  It’s raw and fundamental – and like a good story, it’s satisfying, and it allows your mind to fill in the color that’s left unsaid. Like a well-told story, black and white art can be refreshing, engaging and wonderfully, surprisingly inspiring.

Below is a broad sampling of some pretty nice black & white work. There’s a whole lot more  (though not enough)  than shown here, but it’s a good smattering of styles …





Marketing Overload?

Maybe it’s because it’s the end of a work week, but my head is really beginning to swirl.  I just received some “must-have” information about LinkedIn – you probably know it, the online networking tool touting more than 20 million experienced professionals and ways to discover inside connections and potentially expand your business in untold ways. And the information I just received is intended to share all the fantastic ways you can make the most of the LinkedIn environment. 

But I’m feeling struck by a seemingly raging river of marketing advice out there – mostly the marketing about marketing variety. And everybody, their uncles and maybe even their pets, are jumping on the bandwagon – make that rafts – and make that plural, rafts.  I’m not making a negative judgment, because it is what it is, and probably needs to be what it is, but sometimes I get what I’ll call a “New York City” feeling: a sense of stimulation overload.

In this case it also arrives with a sensation similar to desperation, or perhaps anxiety – in the form of a message implying that if you don’t do these things you will not succeed. So you must do these things, and that is that. Join or lose. Fight and wriggle for your place amongst the million others vying for virtual attention. Do, do, do. Share, share, share. Express profundities and hope to be found. Blog it, video it, radio-blog it, webinar it, get the edge. Be everywhere. And the claims are promising; if you do this, and do that, and then do enough of that and that – and if you do all that over and over again – you’ll eventually hit gold.

Don’t get me wrong; the internet is a mind-boggingly wonderful medium. The opportunities for learning and the possibilities for connecting are pretty staggering. But once you dive in to the pool of all-the-marketing-you-need-to-be-doing, it can take a toll on not only your time, but may also take a little piece of your sanity.  It’ll swallow you up if you don’t take a healthy break.

This raging river is partly because, of course, no one really needs to see anyone. They can work wherever. But the hope, of course, through all of this internet marketing-you-need-to-be-doing-so-you’re-not-left-behind, is that you do connect, and maybe you will meet, and in the end everyone can make wads of money and live happily ever after. I get that. I also get that people are yearning for connection.

Normally I love learning new tools, finding new and better ways to do things. So, call it Friday afternoon blues, semi brain-dead from filtering through all this stuff …  but the onslaught of marketing to-do’s leaves me feeling compelled to simply avoid the frenzy, and approach it more from a zen-like place. Using the Chicken Soup mindset, or The Secret, or a Power of the Subconscious Mind place. 

That’s where I’ll be this long-weekend. Not marketing, but “knowing”. Letting the zen of knowing take over, while digging my hands into a delicious bit of garden earth with joyful mindlessness – in between, of course, working feverishly on the illustrations for my next children’s book.  (there; was that a good, if not round-about, touch of self-marketing?) 

In the end, I know it’s smart to do both – the zen and the marketing. You have to pull back now and then, reflect, affirm your ground and define your goals. But you also have to “do the work”, and be a part of the changing way things are done.

Virtually speaking, that is.

And, yes, by the way, I am on LinkedIn.  (Isn’t everyone?)



Never Out of Style

we’ve been there.  we’ve seen trends come.  and go.  and come back.

what drives a style, a “look”, or an effective ad campaign? what’s at the pulse of changing appetites? how do you keep from missing a beat – the one beat that counts? the one they’ll want to dance to, shout about, make the call for.  we believe it has a whole lot to do with the one thing we know for certain never goes out of style:  creativity.


I have alot more to say about creativity, but will have to add on at a later time.  For now I’ll leave you with this 20-minute video from a TED conference, in which Sir Ken Robinson gives a brilliant, witty, very-listenable and thought-provoking talk on education and creativity.



The Art of the PowerPoint Presentation

First I should say that despite the title of this article, PowerPoint is clearly not an art form. It is a handy, easy-to-use presentation tool that has gained enormous popularity over the last several years – to the point of becoming standard practice, and unfortunately, to the point of almost mass disregard for the audience.

If you don’t want to alienate your audience, it’s smart to remember that while PowerPoint itself isn’t an art form, there is an art to presenting. And to that end, PowerPoint presentations can – and should – be appealing, both visually and verbally.

The two PowerPoint samples we created above show how color, imagery and text can have a successful impact when used well. The main points are clear and precise, and there is room for discussion and spontaneity.

All too often folks are simply intent on filling the pages with information …. lots of it. Just about everything they have to say goes into the PowerPoint document – heaven forbid something is left out. This leaves very little space for personal anecdotes (which aren’t the meat, but are the heart of any presentation) not to mention breathing room for all those poor little words – not to mention the audience needing a visit to the eye doctor following the presentation – not to mention room for a dash of artistic visual interest to keep viewers from snoozing.

Our three “before and after” samples below show how over-worked, complex slides can be simplified and designed more attractively for much greater clarity. Now, instead of feeling bombarded with data, the audience can more easily comprehend the general message – and the speaker has a focused reference point from which to present. (“before’s” are on left, “after’s” on the right)

When preparing your PowerPoint presentation, please try to remember that PowerPoint is not the presenter. You are the presenter. PowerPoint is the tool.

Assuming the intention is for your presentation to be well-received, it’s important to do more than pick a template, plunk down some text and add a bunch of special effects. Believe it or not, even given the creative limitations of the program, there is an art form to creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, and it can make a huge difference it’s received.

For professional help with the look and content of your presentation, or the skills to present it, there are professionals like me who make it their business to make you look good. If you’d rather make a stab at it yourself first, here are some tips for getting the most mileage from your PowerPoint presentation.

1. Cut it Out: Get rid of extraneous text, busy graphs and focus on your core content. Eliminate clutter. When in doubt, cut it out.

2. Minimalism, or Less Really is More: Limit the amount of information on each page. Condense sentences to as few words as possible. If you really, really, really feel that your audience needs more detailed written information, consider bringing along a separate hand-out, printed out ahead of time.

3. Distance Matters: Know the size of the room and how near or far viewers will be from the screen. Adjust your text size accordingly.

4. Color Blind?Avoid harsh or severely bright colors, except for minimal, special emphasis – and please don’t put pastel colors on a pastel background or dark colors on a dark background. And do find out if the room will be bright or dark. If it’s dark, don’t blind the audience with stark white backgrounds.

5. Let a Picture Tell the Story: Not only does this add visual interest, pictures can sometimes make your point better than words. Of course, the image has to make sense or you’ve lost the point.

6. Keep it Consistent: Unless you’re making a special point that screams for unadulterated creativity, keep fonts and text sizes consistent throughout, and work within one color scheme.

7. Break it Up: Add a humorous image; use a few different background colors; move pictures from left to right, top to bottom; keep it fresh and avoid repetition.

8. Don’t Go Crazy with Effects: A little can go a very long way. A lot can leave your audience dizzy. Don’t let special effects upstage your message.

9. Remember Those Hour-Long School Lectures? Of course not, you were writing notes to your friend about the game after class. Resist all temptation to simply read those PowerPoint bullet points aloud (assuming your audience can read). You are there to add value to what they can already see. So…

10. Know Your Stuff: Know your material and practice your presentation. Know and practice, practice and know. If you don’t know your stuff, it’ll show.

11. Like it: Would you enjoy being on the receiving end of your presentation? If you don’t find it interesting, your audience may very well feel the same way. But if you feel good about it, chances are that your audience will too.

12. Talk: Well of course you’re talking, but to avoid #9, share insights and experiences using your own words.

There is an art to presenting, and there is an art to making PowerPoint both dynamic and more productive. Just keep in mind, that while the PowerPoint screen is a great tool for initiating your talking points, it isn’t the talk.

Patricia Saxton, designer, illustrator, author, and owner of Saxton Studio

If you’d like Saxton Studio’s design help with your next presentation, we’d be happy to work our magic for you. To view a full design and illustration portfolio, visit www.saxtonstudio.com

For excellence in speech and communication coaching, visit www.professionallyspeaking.net

© Copyright Patricia Saxton. All rights reserved.
