Wise Words

“Dream big. Work hard. Think for yourself. And love everything you love, and every one you love, with all your might.”
~  David McCullough, Jr., English teacher, from his Wellesley High School Commencement Speech

Wise words. Inspiring words. Yet apparently McCullough’s speech to the 2012 graduating class of High School seniors caused a fuss ~ because, in the speech, he told the students that they were “nothing special.” But if you listen (and I recommend that you do), many of you, like I did, will wonder what the controversy was all about.

Are we so coddled and inattentive that we get sidetracked by dissecting the minutia of a few phrases without hearing the full context of truth and wisdom?

Maybe the shame here is that it took the raising of eyebrows to make it to a broader audience. It’s outstanding. Bravo, well done!

If you want more on this, there’s a great editorial write-up about this video here.