


It’s my little girl’s 20th birthday today, and I’m feeling reminiscent. Looking at pictures of when she was small, her bright-eyed, sweet and sassy, smart little self, her wonderful little-kid drawings and well put-together stories. Years of joys and stumbles, laughter and tears – all those things that make life both challenging and rich.

And I think about the world she’s grown up in. How different from my own. Today there’s reality tv and technology-for-all and instant this and that. A world where you can be immediately connected and yet feel terribly alone. A world grown smaller and more aware and in many ways more caring – but also a world with news cycles as fast as your next breath, riddled with violence and distrust coming at a much more steady pace than the world I knew – and all of this, I stop to think, is “normal” to her generation. I wonder; how that plays itself out.

It makes me want to show her a simpler time – but that was then, and this is her time, so I hold on to the faith that I’ve always had – that she’s going to be just fine. Better than fine. And as we’ve done through the ages, we’ll all keep trying to make to make the world a better place. I haven’t lost faith in that either.

I still have some wishes, though … and while written with my girl in mind, they could be for almost anyone, so I share:


For my daughter

I hope you’ll always be able to look up and marvel at the bigness of a bright blue sky, and to wonder at the sheer magnitude of billions of twinkling stars in an unfathomable universe. I hope you’ll always be awed by the mystery and power of the sea; find magic in a sunrise; hear whispers of angels on the breeze. I hope you’ll know the majesty of a mountaintop and the magnificence of a flower. I hope you’ll know the joy of traveling inside pages that feed your spirit and take you to amazing places made with words – and I hope you’ll know the joy of traveling to faraway lands, to walk down wide boulevards and small, quirky streets and talk with people who speak other languages and gaze at ancient temples and grand cathedrals and giant forests and tiny fossils from the beginning of time and buy trinkets and hear music you’ve never heard before and return home with tales to tell and inspiration alive in your veins. I hope you’ll be touched by a painting and moved by a poem. I hope you’ll know the soothing stillness of peace, and invigorating, blood-pumping exhilaration. I hope you’ll see goodness in the hearts of others, and hold dear the beauty and honor of your own. I hope you’ll believe in your dreams, and have the courage to sing the songs your soul wants to sing. I hope you’ll experience miracles. I hope you’ll feel grateful for small things, and always stand up straight and tall. And I hope you’ll know laughter and love and friendship for all of your days.  Love, always and ever – Mom


New Season, New Shoes and Life on Mars

There may be life on Mars, have you heard? While we’re pondering that, there’ve been visits from the Pope, world leaders convening, and rare lunar eclipses eclipsing. Big stuff.


And somehow in between all that, seemingly small by comparison, our own lives happen. Everyday lives stitched together with various versions of joy and struggle. An ever-changing tapestry of our individual here and nows, hopes and dreams, fears and glories.

Life happens in moments, in thoughts, in conversations (and if you’re Italian it also happens in meals). It happens while your house needs painting and your front walk needs paving and your faucet needs fixing and your clients need tending. It happens while holding the hands of your spiritual sisters during hard, mind-boggling times. It happens while sharing stories with old friends and recognizing a kindred soul in the eyes of someone new. It comes as a hug from a child, a butterfly landing on your hand, a laugh, or a cry. When you read, go for a walk, talk to your pets. It happens when you’re alone. It happens when you’re not. It happens when we do things with love. There’s nothing small about any of that.

And I had no idea I’d be going in that direction ^ when I started writing this post. I’d meant to point out the changing of seasons, tie that in with both the evolution of my next book and the fact that the shoemaker – me – finally made her own new shoes –new website (well there, I just mentioned it), and how so much can transpire in a month’s time, even while you’re immersed, head down, in dragonry and a whole bunch of design and wondering how and when you’re going to deal with your crumbling walkway.

I guess the point is to embrace your here and now. Do your best. Stitch well. Pay attention to your heart. And, yes, believe in magic.

PS: For the record, I have no interest in visiting Mars any time soon. There’s plenty of life right here.




Wonder, Awe, Magic and Mystery


It’s really something, how we’re all a part of this magnificent tapestry called life… Now and then I’m just in awe of the magic and mystery, life’s worlds within worlds, the great, the small, the simple, the intricate; all the colors, the tempos, all the shapes and designs, all the laughter and tears, the hunger and thirst, imagination and rhyme, fire and ice; from the highest cloud to the deepest sandy floor, the majestic falcon to the tiniest, bland moth, all the faces young and old, all the hearts that beat … all of it a wonder; a gift best woven, wrapped and tended with love, from right here, where each of us stand this very moment.

If not for love, I sometimes think, none of this might even exist. Inexplicable, maybe so, but in the grand scheme of things (and even the not so grand), if not for love, with love, what for?



Take a Seat, Make a Friend

This is one of the most awesome, coolest things. It’s brilliant. It’s wonderful. It’ll restore your faith in humanity. Watch and be glad you did! ♥

Big hats off to SoulPancake. Thank you for creating this!


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

All of us probably know someone ~ many of us know several ~ stricken with breast cancer. It’s high time we put a stop to it. I know it can be done (I truly believe that), and continue to hope those cures will quickly become front and center news on a healing stage.

My own small effort towards heightening awareness is part of my 52 Weeks of Peace series. Week #22 to be exact, which I will repost here, as it holds as true today as when created.


Week #22: “Debbie’s Peace”

This week’s peace sign was designed in particular tribute to a friend of mine whose positive, effervescent spirit shines everywhere she goes. It’s the rare individual who radiates her kind of light and blatant enthusiasm for life ~ the kind of person who unwittingly causes you to pause and embrace life right along with her. And because she recently came through a second cancer surgery – with flying colors and a good report  – she’ll be able to keep on shinin’.

For my friend, this piece is a celebration of life.

In her honor, “Debbie’s Peace” is dedicated to all the courageous survivors – as well as to the memory of those who have battled and lost. And hopefully this small offering will serve as another reminder for all of us to give our support and fervent hope towards finding a cure.

If you wish to participate in the fight there are several dedicated organizations to support. You might want to do your own research or ask a friend how you can best help. If you want to carry your support around for all to see, I’ve created a totebag, button, magnet and mug with Week #22’s art.

Blessings to all you strong, sensitive, and brave women out there.


No Lollygagging (& what matters most)

Someone mentioned the end of summer, and I thought to myself, “oh shoot, I missed it!”

Summer mostly fleeted on the winds of vector shapes and web designs, book promotions and business meetings. Reading was done in snippets, online Scrabble my “fun break” (did I really just admit that?). Some spontaneous Ping Pong rallies may have saved my sanity.

Then the car brakes needed replacing, the microwave died, a window pane fell out, and there were still dishes in the sink. Just the stuff of modern life, with the sidebar of self-employment and a crappy economy.

Things happen, heat up, break down, come together. I don’t know why it all has to happen at once, but the bottom line is there’s been no lollygagging around here ~ and I often wish there were a little more of that …

But then I remember the folks whose homes were flooded beyond repair; the folks who watched Texas burn. I think of Haiti and Japan and New Orleans. I think of 9/11, and later that day we’d stood in my front yard with candles; all the neighbors joined us, some we didn’t know so well, but right then we were all one. What mattered was life. Freedom. Love. Each other.

So in between deadlines – which I need to get back to (no lollygagging now!) – I count my blessings, and send them to each of you.