"Get Over It" ~ A Real Life Bucket List

hang gliderOnce in a while on this blog I segway from concepts of art & design, illustration, writing and marketing into topics more about life and the bigger picture. And today some upliftment seems especially appropriate.


For all that’s good in life, to be embraced and appreciated, there’s a lot of very real concern too, for some big items on life’s plate. I think we’ve all felt this way at different points in our lives, and quite a few people are feeling it now. You feel stretched and burdened. Sleep is lost. And what happens after too many wakeful nights, the lack of a good night’s sleep becomes cumulative, so when morning comes, it’s tough to rally.

I felt that way this morning. But of course, I did rise. Had a cup of tea, got my daughter’s breakfast and lunch made, drove her to school, came back to set about the work day. While making a second cup of tea, I flipped on the CBS Early Show. They had a segment on a 79-year-old woman named Susie, diagnosed a few months ago with terminal cancer, 6-9 months to live.

Instead of seeking treatment, Susie is living out her own “bucket list” – she’s choosing “life” in a big way. What an inspiration she was (and is)! Maybe you’ve heard of her, but if you haven’t, she’s worth knowing about.

The great thing about Susie is that this isn’t a whim at the end of life – it’s big, and full of intent to live out the rest of her days with gusto, but apparently she’s always had a life-affirming spirit. An example is when her son, at the age of 16, become paraplegic; her guidance was to recognize that, ok, the muscles that don’t work, don’t work, and that’s that – so count the ones that still DO work, and use them for all they’re worth.

She has this immense kind of “get over it” attitude (which is advice she actually offers) – life is a gift – death is just another page of life’s book. She’s fearless and cheerful and unpretentious. She’s a no-nonsense, live life, get on with it person. And I for one am grateful that I “got to meet her” this morning – it put a whole new energy into my day, painted it with different colors, offered a new view. It didn’t change my lack of sleep or the amount or weight of things on my plate, but maybe a different way to hold and carry that plate, at least for today.

Every now and then someone crosses our path who lifts us up. This morning that happened to me. Thank you Susie, and may you fully, utterly enjoy every single moment on your list.  And that goes for you reading this, too – as Susie says, life is “in your face”; so go ahead and take it on.

If you want to follow her adventures, there’s a Weadock Bucket List Blog and Weadock Bucket List Facebook page
