
Trust is paramount. A small word with huge ramifications, trust is rock solid ~ no pie-in-the-sky fluff, no wishy-washy in-betweens; it’s something that’s earned, that’s proven, and worth more than all the world’s shiniest diamonds.

In business and in relationships it’s as simple as saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and following through with action. It’s confidence. It’s safety. It’s integrity. Trust is the gold standard of principles at the base of all principles. Without it, things crumble. With it, you can change the world.

In faith ~ in your gut, and in your heart ~ trust is conviction, belief, and letting go of outcomes. Without it, you’re dangling. With it, you can change your world.



Wonder, Awe, Magic and Mystery


It’s really something, how we’re all a part of this magnificent tapestry called life… Now and then I’m just in awe of the magic and mystery, life’s worlds within worlds, the great, the small, the simple, the intricate; all the colors, the tempos, all the shapes and designs, all the laughter and tears, the hunger and thirst, imagination and rhyme, fire and ice; from the highest cloud to the deepest sandy floor, the majestic falcon to the tiniest, bland moth, all the faces young and old, all the hearts that beat … all of it a wonder; a gift best woven, wrapped and tended with love, from right here, where each of us stand this very moment.

If not for love, I sometimes think, none of this might even exist. Inexplicable, maybe so, but in the grand scheme of things (and even the not so grand), if not for love, with love, what for?



The Passionate, Controversial and Fabulous Dian Fossey

She loved children and animals. She loved men. She loved, more than anything, the gorillas of Africa. Dian Fossey was a woman who followed her heart. Or, perhaps, she was discovering her heart.


I sometimes wonder how people follow that heart, that passion, with an intensity such as hers, in a way so remarkably driven that one separates from any sort of “real life normalcy” ~ and how interesting that, conversely, it has the effect of changing our “normal” world with insights and awarenesses otherwise left unknown. These are the true trailblazers. Dian Fossey certainly qualifies.

It could be that her unhappy childhood (in particular a cold, strict, unsupportive stepfather) provided a sense of “rootlessness” allowing her to leave civilization behind for the bulk of her adult life. She became wholly dedicated to primate research and conservation, living among Rwanda’s gentle mountain gorillas  ~ and, I understand, a menagerie of other animals ~ for close to 20 years.

Her life’s work provided stunning, groundbreaking research about gorilla behavior and, over time, earned her a reputation for ruthless dealings with poachers. In 1967, Dian founded the Karisoke Research Centre. With the help of National Geographic photographers and countless television appearances she focused world attention on the gorillas’ plight. She began raising money to pay for anti-poaching, and in 1978 set up the first ranger patrols in Rwanda.

In the end, her passion cost her her life. She was murdered by an unknown attacker in the early hours of December 27, 1985, in her cabin at Karisoke. 

An extraordinary woman who left the world a better place, Dian’s account of her extraordinary years in remote Africa, Gorillas in the Mist, was published in 1983. Hollywood made it a box office hit in 1987.  She would have been 81 today. 





Why We’re Like Snowflakes


I tend to subscribe to the notion that we’re all unique. Like snowflakes, no two of us are alike. But, science being science, this concept has been put to the test. Turns out I really enjoyed what it came up with, and I thought you might too.


Winter Solace


What beauty we’re privileged to know in this life. I, for one, find great solace knowing it’s there, in so many varied forms ~ and I also find that I’m able to take a fresh, renewing breath simply by seeing a scene like this.

I recall woods much like these, from my childhood, and I feel glad to have wandered its humbling, secret pathways, for its nurturing my imagination and deepening my appreciation for the world we all call home.

And while this is just a picture, I invite you to take a walk inside this enchanted forest, feel the crisp air on your face, hear the doves calling and deer scampering, watch snow tumbling from a bough. Nothing more, just be there for a little while and feel a bit of hushed, invigorating peace. Your regularly scheduled life will still be there, and you, perhaps, may feel refreshed.  ~ Patricia


Fill it with Gratitude

There’s a lot of emphasis on commercialism during the holiday season ~ not that we’re intentionally insensitive to the meaning of Christmas or that we’re shallow, materialistic creatures, but that we want to give.


We want to make others happy with our gifts, we want our children to squeal with delight, our family and friends to appreciate the thoughtfulness of a special something we’ve picked out especially for them. It’s actually a lovely tradition begun with a certain three kings bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, just perhaps gone a little wild.

With that in mind, I’m feeling pretty pleased with my choice of “gift” for the guests of my annual holiday gathering this year. My daughter and I started our own gratitude jars a little less than a year ago (it’s almost time to open them up and look inside!), and I thought, hmmm… yes, a perfect gift to make for our friends. Homemade, fun and constructive to boot.

I like imagining how they’ll be filled, all those pieces of folded-up paper with notes scrawled about people, things and moments they’ll be grateful for during the year ahead.

It’s a fairly well-respected concept that gratitude reaps harmony; it elevates our spirit and sense of inner peace, opens the gates for greater abundance. I’m pretty sure all that might even be scientifically based ~ something physiological happens that changes our chemical makeup in a positive way. But whether it is or isn’t a precisely proven fact, one thing I know for sure is that genuine appreciation and feelings of gratitude are uplifting. That writing them down makes the vibration linger longer, and re-reading them allows you to feel grateful all over again.

There’s only good to be had from this simple exercise. And as it’s been said, “There is always, always, something to be grateful for.”

So I hope they use their little jars, well and often. :  )


Poetry as Ruler of the World


“I say, ‘Get me some poets as managers.’ Poets are our original systems thinkers. They contemplate the world in which we live and feel obligated to interpret, and give expression to it in a way that makes the reader understand how that world runs. Poets, those unheralded systems thinkers, are our true digital thinkers. It is from their midst that I believe we will draw tomorrow’s new business leaders.” ~ Sidney Harman, CEO Multimillionaire of a stereo components company”
― Daniel H. Pink

I stumbled upon this quote this morning, and it reminded me that when I read Daniel Pink’s “A Whole New Mind” a few years back, I was (given what I do) thrilled at his theory that right-brainers will rule the future. There’s a place for the creative, the innovative, the out-of-the-box thinker ~ more than ever! And not just any place, but a valued place. And not just a “dusting off the weariness of life” kind of valuable (although that’s important!), but a place that moves, shakes and shapes our world.

Of course, we all have elements of both; right and left brains. And perhaps because of a genetic blend making me feel fairly balanced in that department, I dislike labeling ~ or assuming, for example, that if someone is logical they aren’t creative, or someone who’s creative can’t be logical, because that’s simply not true. We have tendencies towards one or the other, most definitely, whether innate or learned, but both aspects reside in most people’s brains to some degree, and I presume for good reason. (So when my very creative daughter complains about having to learn Math, I insist that she needs to exercise that part of her brain to stay healthy and wise and grounded, and not end up with both head and feet in the clouds. “Use it or lose it” has real meaning here.)

That said, and putting aside my own personal glee at the prospect of “right brains” leading the future, the theory does have merit, especially when you consider how many previously human-held jobs have been replaced by increasingly efficient, computerized functions – freeing up some of us to be more creative and others to flounder for their bearings.

And while I’m not completely convinced that poets should be managers, I am convinced that there’s enormous opportunity for unlocking the floodgates of our ingenuity when more menial tasks are automated. And I think most people perform better when they’re inspired, rather than watching a clock, regardless if they’re mathematically or artistically driven ~ both of which can be dry or highly creative functions, depending on any given person’s combination of atoms and molecules, environment, and spirit.

To do anything well, to grow, stretch boundaries, reach the moon  ~ to live better ~ we need to think big and welcome a fusion of the intuitive with the intellect. And really, it’s always been so, when great things have been achieved, but maybe we’ll honor it more. Maybe poetry will change the world!

So why not change even today ~ open your mind to the galaxy, and get to work.



So, I have a bunch of essays lined up, in various states of completion. The way a story comes to mind, then you get distracted by life or laundry or something, and you quickly jot down some notes so you don’t forget your brilliance – and then a few more days go by of other this’s and that’s demanding your attention, and in that span of time more ideas, more thoughts, more inspirations happen, (that you do or don’t jot down), and the cycle repeats until you realize you just want to be still for a little bit. Mindless.

Of course, this is where I might normally spew the wonders of meditation, but I’ll resist the temptation to be meaningful just this once. I don’t know why exactly – could be a loosening of the grips of an innate need to be mindful, purposeful, responsible.

Instead I’m going to share something interesting but frivolous, in that it really serves no purpose except to tickle the brain. And because it’s Wednesday and I’ve always wondered why it’s spelled so oddly. And because it’s the curse of a writer not to write, so I must write something.

And this is as far as I’m allowing my brain to go for now. (Good thing I jotted down my more impassioned thoughts, though, right? … so they can come marching forth again in all their splendor when I’m back in the mood for them … and less tired. Which, for better or worse, probably won’t be long, once I’ve meditated and such. But I’m veering towards meaningful again, so I’ll stop here and get on with simple, frivolously interesting.)


Why is Wednesday Spelled so Oddly?

Wednesday comes from the Middle English Wednes dei, which originates from Old English Wēdnes dæg, meaning the day of the Germanic god Woden. Associated with both fury and poetic inspiration, Woden thrived as an Anglo-Saxton god in England until about the 7th century. He also had a career in curing horses and carrying off the dead, and Wednesday is his day. Woden’s day has had various spellings – Wodnesdaeg, Weodnesdei, Wenysday, Wonysday, Weddinsday – but even Shakespeare’s quite sensible spelling of “Wensday” didn’t last. So in the end it turns out that (perhaps born from fear of his Woden’s wrath, or loss of poetry)  the “d” and the day remain. And now you know.


Food 101


With Thanksgiving around the corner, my mind turns to feasting. Of course, it doesn’t take a holiday for my mind to wander over to food – it’s pretty much a daily event, because, like most human beings, I like to eat. It’s not only essential, it’s tasty.

Food is not, however, an all-consuming thought for me – and to that end, I feel it’s a fairly healthy view, which I’ll share with you here – because, well, my mind is on food all of a sudden, as I already explained.

Caveat – This is not about diets or struggle. If that’s what you were expecting, feel free to stop reading; I won’t be offended. It is about getting back to basics, as it seems that as a society we’re straying off the path, some to one extreme, some to another. That said, my own open attitude and, by some standards, relaxed regard for what my body consumes has served me well, and barring special conditions, might possibly serve others. (To me, much of this falls under the “common sense” category, but who knows, so…) Besides, food is fun.

Some simple guidelines.

1. Know thyself. Sometimes my body screams out for protein. Sometimes it wants to feel coddled by carbohydrates. Sometimes it says, damn it, give me some more salad, will you! Sometimes it wants a treat. I try to be respectful towards all these requests.

2. Listen. I eat when I’m hungry. I don’t when I’m not ~ unless my body tells me, “hun, you may not feel hungry, but you need to give me something or I’ll make you feel real tired and ornery later”. When that happens, something light will usually soothe the savage beast.

3. Variety is the spice of life. I like all the food groups. If you haven’t discovered a taste for vegetables, you should, they’re fabulous. If you don’t like fish or meat for whatever reason, please be smart about getting enough protein. Fruits are not my personal favorite, but when in season they can be a joy. Chocolate is a daily supplement. (I don’t know why chocolate is always left off the food pyramid, but otherwise, the food pyramid is a good place to look for tips on balanced eating.) Mother Earth has provided for us bountifully; reaping those benefits are one of the graces of being human.

4. Moderation in all things. Fats are not the devil (in fact, we need them) and sweets are not evil. A pat of butter and a pinch of salt on your spinach will not kill you. Pasta, bread, potatoes all have a place on my table. A slice or two of bacon with your eggs is nice. On the other hand, if, bacon is your full source of sustenance, there’s probably a problem. Come to think of it, if your entire diet consists of broccoli, that could be a problem too. Moderation is key.

5. Be real. I admit guilt to a boxed product now and then, but 90% of the time it’s real food for me. Growing your own, even better. Cooking isn’t that hard, nor does it have to be overly time-consuming. Working with food can even be a therapeutic activity, especially in an increasingly electronically-driven world.

6. Beware of label obsession. All that is labeled such-and-such is not necessarily golden. Sadly, you can’t believe everything you read. I also personally feel you can find healthy food at the regular grocery store and it usually costs a lot less than fancy-healthy food at fancy-organic-grocers.

7. Waste not want not. Yes, this is a layover from childhood, being told about the starving children in Biafra, as well as being a product of a father who survived the Depression and a mother with a penchant for Scottish phrases. But really, why toss out perfectly good food? Not to mention the money you paid for it. Leftovers are great, and sure trim down prep time.

8. Know thyself, Part 2. Know when to stop. Sometimes easier said than done, especially when raised to “finish one’s plate”. But if your belly is full, honor that. Save the rest for #7.

9. Avoid soda (or pop, as some people call it), unless with popcorn while at the movies.

10. Please the senses. Food is essential, but what a blessing it is to satisfy our sense of taste. If you use colorful food or make your plate attractive, you’re ahead of the game for visual satisfaction. Different textures please our sense of touch. If it smells good, our olfactory is happy. Even the sounds of cooking can be fun – steaming, popping, crackling, sizzling.

11. Don’t fret. Unless you get a real kick from counting and cataloguing, don’t fret every calorie or ingredient (again, barring special circumstances). You’ll be miserable, and the potential for psychically defeating the purpose of serving the temple that is your body rises exponentially if viewed as punishment. Attitude matters.

12. Be grateful. Give thanks. Enjoy your meal.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but I’ve worked up an appetite, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go have a hot fudge sundae while you digest all this.