52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #80

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world.” ~ Anne Frank


We hold the world in our hands. Let’s celebrate the good. Let’s ease another’s suffering, large or small, harm none, and share our love. That’s what we can do in a moment; in this moment, in our own small corner of the world. ~ ♥ Patricia


“where in the world is peace?” … virginia, pennsylvania, alaska!

From way up north near Anchorage, Alaska, to the horse country of Virginia, with a stop at the city of Brotherly Love along the way ~ peace travels well (and loves the critters)!


one of our 52 Weeks of Peace buttons

Santa’s got a brand new bag …

Thunder loves Alaska!

Can we go out and play in the Alaskan snow now?

Peace in Berryville, VA

World’s sweetest dog, Berryville, VA

“I say, if you give me my food, I’ll feel peace…”

Peace, art, books and justice in Austin, Texas

Peace elf in Austin, Texas

Peace out!

The perfect antidote for ledger work, near Philadelphia, PA

Sweet! Bulletin-board peace!

Where in the world is peace right now? I hope peace finds all of you this holiday season, and ignites all of our hearts.

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images on our “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Please email your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #79

As W.T. Ellis said, “It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.” But some bells help too. :  ) Enjoy the season!



Creative Holiday Gifts!

The holidays are kicking into gear, and our shop is always open! Please feel free to share with friends interested in something special, good for mind and soul, priced under $25 and created from the heart. ♥


A Plethora of P’s / #65: Paris

proactively punctuating life with the plausible, powerful possibilities of positive thought presented through a plethora of “P’s”.

– ♥ –


Oh la joie ~ Paris! So many things to love … the Champs-Élysées, the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Musee d’Orsay, the Louvre, the Seine. Opera houses, fashion, culinary finesse. Art, and more art. And of course, chocolate croissants at a sidewalk cafe … beau, oui ?

(see our growing, ongoing Plethora of P’s here)


52 Weeks of Peace [squared] / Week #78


It’s December!

Bring on the bells, the fireplaces all aglow, reindeer on rooftops, the hubbub, long lines, flaring tempers, excited children, too many sweets, blinking lights, trees and wreaths, singing and angels… it’s all there, all of it, comes so fast, gone just as quickly ~ so be of good cheer. Find the bright in your heart, and be of good cheer. ♥ ~ Patricia


“where in the world is peace?” … san diego, grand canyon, morristown

Peace participated in a San Diego, California business meeting, sat by the pool and stopped for coffee. It also viewed the Grand Canyon and was spotted outside a Morristown, NJ movie theatre. As ever, my huge thanks for sending these in. Your sharings of peace are appreciated by all!

Grand Canyon, Arizona

At the movies!

San Diego coffee shop

San Diego, California

San Diego business meeting

Where to next?

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images on our “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Please email your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)


Dragon Moods

“Come not between the dragon and his wrath.”
~ William Shakespeare, King Lear

I’ve been stealing some time here and there to work on my Book of Dragons, so thought I’d share a couple more glimpses. Funny thing about these, I find myself feeling attached, as if they were real…. but then again, maybe they are ~ just out of sight, across and through the veil that separates worlds… :  )


Reading Ditty

As a voracious reader myself, I firmly believe that reading is truly one of the most worthwhile, elevating things we can do at any age.


ps: my marketing muse tells me I should plug my own books, too, so here they are … a click on the image below will take you to my amazon author page, or you can see all my loot at my shop (left menu on this page). :  )


“where in the world is peace?” … among barns and pumpkins

We love Ohio people! Many, many thanks for this awesome “peace shoot” ~ we wish YOU much love and peace.

Where to next?

(ps:  you can see all “where in the world is peace?” images on our “where in the world is peace?” page. Our book is on Amazon, our totes, mugs and things are available here. Please email your own pictures to 52weeksofpeace@gmail.com or post them on our FaceBook page. Let’s see where peace goes!)