Daniel Pink's Ideas on Motivation, (literally) Illustrated

A Whole New Mind author Dan Pink has another fascinating book out called Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. If it’s as compelling a read as A Whole New Mind, we’re in for a treat.

Based on Pink’s research on science and motivation, originally presented in a TED talk (always worth watching), the illustrated video below is a pretty inspiring treat itself.

I’ll reserve judgment on the content (it sounds good, and some of it makes huge sense…), except to say that it’s thought-provoking and fantastically presented.

Patricia Saxton

1 Comment
  • Debbie

    February 11, 2011 at 11:12 am Reply

    wow. that was the most drawing I’ve ever seen anyone do. oh wait. except for that human camera guy. I loved that visual ……. and of course I LOVE Daniel Pink.

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